A Welshman's Love for Castles: Keeping the English out and us under control!!

in Pinmapple4 months ago (edited)


Nestled within the embrace of Europe, my beloved Wales proudly wears the crown as the 'Castle Capital,' a hidden gem of historical marvels that captures the heart of every enthusiast. For those like me, enchanted by the tales woven into the stones of these ancient structures, Wales stands not just as a holiday destination but as a treasure trove of incredible landmarks waiting to be explored.

Here in Wales, where the rolling landscapes echo with the whispers of history, we boast more castles per square mile than any other European country. Our castles, born from the ambition and resilience of Norman, native Welsh, and English builders during times of territorial turbulence, tell stories of triumph and tenacity.


While Germany and France may flaunt their castles, my homeland, Wales, emerges as the unassuming hero of Europe's castle-rich tapestry. The sheer concentration of these medieval wonders per square mile turns our land into a haven for those who, like me, yearn to immerse themselves in the magic of these age-old structures.

Take, for instance, Caernarfon Castle, standing tall in Gwynedd, North Wales. A testament to the brilliance of Edward I, it took a staggering 47 years to complete on the site of a former Roman fort. Today, as you explore its rooms and ascend to the roof, you are greeted by panoramic views that bridge the gap between centuries. Venturing into Snowdonia, a land cherished for its natural beauty, you stumble upon the hidden gem of Castell y Bere. Built by the legendary Llywelyn the Great in the 1200s, this castle nestled in a picturesque valley feels like a personal discovery, adding a touch of historical charm to my homeland. Then there's Conwy Castle, another jewel crafted by Edward I. Its battlements offer views that transcend time, and the royal apartments invite me to step into the shoes of history.


And let's not forget Caerphilly Castle(where we went), the largest in Wales and the second-largest in the entire UK. Majestic and imposing, it reflects the grandeur of English construction in the 17th century, adorned with four siege engines that echo the stories of a bygone era.

@pinmapple link - [//]:# (!pinmapple 51.57600 lat -3.22062 long Caerphilly Castle- A welshmans home is his castle d3scr)


For a proud Welshman like me, these castles aren't just structures; they're part of my heritage, my story. As I traverse the landscape, I uncover the living history of Wales, where castles stand as silent witnesses to our resilience, our struggles, and our triumphs. Each stone echoes the spirit of my people, and each castle tells a tale that resonates with my Welsh heart.

These castles barely scratch the surface of the history and culture of Wales. Whilst we are a small nation, our history is rich. There are many, many, many more castles, and other historical relics, dotted throughout the land CADW is in charge of our natural resources and historical past, and by clicking the link you can explore more of what Wales has to offer.


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What an awesome thing for your country to be known for. I have always been fascinated by castles. I used to have a coffee table book that had some of the best castles in the UK. It's impressive how picturesque they are given the mostly utilitarian nature of them.

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the castle is so amazing, I really want to go there