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RE: A fishing village, Afurada, Portugal and answers to April HPUD Guessing Contest

in Pinmapplelast month

I’ve never seen such a washing house before! I used to see people in my country do it in the rivers, but not like this. That’s just amazing! I don’t understand though how it works, I mean how..? I wonder what’s the sequence to make it work there. Want to try for myself! 😅 But handwashing is so tiring 🥲


I think everyone washes in a certain tank, and the dirty water flows out of the system, then they rinse the clothes in another tank and the wate here flows into the washing tank, and then fresh clean water comes in from the central tank flowing into the rinsing tank. That way you don't waste too much water.

I can't remember when I last hand washed something, we're well spoilt 😃