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RE: Saturday Trip to Sampaloc Lake ( 20+ Photos )

in Worldmappin2 years ago

The balls are really floating! I mean they look so incredible!
It's so beautiful really. Imagine if the side of the lake is also clean, but then it's not. Unfortunately.
I hope people will really be disciplined not to throw their garbage there.
It's such a pity really.

Nice to see you enjoying the weekend!


They are like huge versions of Moon Lamps being sold in e-commerce platforms like Shopee.
Yeah, it's a pity. There are lots of stores around the lake which where the majority of trash came from.
I do hope that both tourists and vendors become more responsible and disciplined.

Ohh I see, yeah at least the vendors should be more disciplined and responsible. If the lake will be so dirty, less tourists will come so they won’t have sales. At least they should start.. then later on, warn visitors to be responsible.