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RE: Master of Hardcore (MoH) 2024 - In The Netherlands

in Worldmappin3 months ago

Id still prefer Hardtekk (with amen breaks -> Breaktek) over hardcore

while I have to admit the modern hardcore hardstyle comes Hardtek quite close..
just without the distorted weird kick :D

or just directly frenchcore

Peacock or Harry Potar are crazy

we all had them already live in our underground parties ;)

and in general... Im just toooooo stuuuuck on JUNGLE



Sorry, but I hate Soundcloud. I can't turn down the music on their player, unless I open it in their browser x)

I dig Frenchcore aswell, there were also a Frenchcore Stage to MoH ^^ :D

youre supposed to turn it up, not down :DD

My headset is at 100% all the time and my yt is bwteen 2% - 7%, anything above that makes me deaf, so no thank you xD