Gulbenkian Park, Portugal [En-Pt]

in Worldmappin22 days ago (edited)

Gulbenkian Park, Portugal.jpg

Garden of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
The Armenian tycoon, who made his fortune trading oil in the 1950s, decided to establish a foundation in Portugal, in which he deposited his fortune for the benefit of the city. A lover of birds, Calouste Gulbenkian, also known as the “Mr Five Percent”, always had a passion for art and has an impressive collection of European and Asian art to his name.

Last weekend, I challenged my mother to go for a walk in the Gulbenkian Foundation Gardens. I hadn't been here much before I finished my secondary school studies. I vaguely remembered that it was a very large, green space, located right in the center of Lisbon, along the Avenida de Berna. This 9-hectare garden, inaugurated in 1969, has always been an attraction for those who visit Lisbon, live here or pass through. It is one of the public gardens with free access. You don't have to pay anything to visit it.

It's a center of attraction because it has the Foundation's Grand Auditorium, the Museum and the Modern Art Center (which is currently and temporarily closed), and it always has itinerant and permanent exhibitions on display. I remember in ninth grade coming here with my class to visit the museum and seeing numerous Egyptian artifacts, including sarcophagi, treasures, robes, and many objects recovered and included in the exhibition.

Today, and despite it being International Museum Day (which could guarantee a visit without paying), I decided to get some sun and fresh air right in the center of Lisbon.

The gardens are mostly lawned, with just a few walkways winding through leafy groves, leaving those who stroll through in awe at the ability to create such a space, with such calm, right in the city center.

We are only interrupted by the periodic hissing of flights approaching the runway of Humberto Delgado Airport.

The number of flights per hour during the day is truly impressive.

We let ourselves be led along the trails to a clearing where, near a lake (which is currently being restored - I remember my last visit, more than 30 years ago, it was well filled with ducks and other birds resting in the shadows).

Today, several families and groups of friends have decided to spend at least part of their Sunday afternoon relaxing on the green natural carpets of this little corner of Lisbon's lung.

There is so much to say about this garden, but I challenge you to visit it the next time you come to Lisbon. You won't have wasted your time. Take the opportunity to bring a small picnic - as you can see, you're allowed to eat and rest on the grass. Except for the places marked for this purpose, which are being restored.

The garden is being extended to the south, and there has been a project to expand it since 2022.

Jardim da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Magnata Arménio, que obteve a sua fortuna negociando petróleo nos anos 50, decidiu estabelecer em Portugal uma fundação, na qual depositou a sua fortuna de forma benemérita e em beneficio da cidade. Amante de aves, Calouste Gulbenkian, também conhecido como o senhor "dos 5 por cento", sempre teve uma paixão pela arte tendo em seu nome uma impressionante colecção de arte europeia e asiática.

No passado fim de semana, lancei o desafio à minha mãe, de irmos passear aos Jardins da Fundação Gulbenkian. Já não vinha para aqui muito antes de concluir os meus estudos no secundário. Lembrava-me vagamente que era um espaço bem amplo e verde, localizado bem no centro da cidade de Lisboa, na continuidade da Avenida de Berna. Jardim com cerca de 9 hectares, inaugurado em 1969, desde sempre foi sempre um polo de atracção para quem visita Lisboa, ou por quem cá mora, ou por cá passa. É um dos jardins públicos de acesso livre. Não temos que pagar nada para o poder visitar.

Centro de atracção, pois tem o Grande Auditório da Fundação, o Museu e o Centro de Arte Moderna (que está actualmente e temporariamente encerrado), tem sempre patentes quer exposições itinerantes, ou permanentes. Lembro-me de no meu nono ano, vir aqui com a minha turma visitar o Museu e ver numerosos artefactos Egípcios, incluindo sarcófagos, tesouros, vestes, e muitos objectos recuperados e incluídos na exposição.

Hoje, e apesar de ser o Dia Internacional dos Museus (o que poderia garantir a visita sem qualquer pagamento), decidi apanhar um pouco de sol, e ar fresco mesmo no centro da cidade de Lisboa.

Os jardins, são maioritariamente relvados, tendo apenas alguns passadiços que serpenteiam por entre arvoredos frondosos, deixando quem o percorre, admirado com a capacidade de criar um espaço destes, com esta calma, mesmo no centro da cidade.

Somos interrompidos apenas, pelo silvar periódico, dos voos que se aproximam da pista do Aeroporto Humberto Delgado.

É de facto impressionante o número de voos que existem por hora, neste período diurno.

Deixamo-nos levar por entre os trilhos, até uma clareira, onde, na proximidade de um lago (que actualmente está em recuperação - lembro-me da minha última visita, há mais de 30 anos, que estava bem preenchido com patos, e outras aves, que repousavam sobre as sombras).

Hoje, várias famílias, e conjuntos de amigos, decidiram passar pelo menos parte da sua tarde de Domingo, a relaxar nos verdes tapetes naturais deste pequeno cantinho do pulmão de Lisboa.

Muito haveria para dizer sobre este jardim, mas lanço-vos o desafio de o poderem visitar, numa próxima oportunidade que venham a Lisboa. Não irão dar o tempo como perdido. Aproveitem para trazer um pequeno piquenique, como podem ver, é permitido comer e descansar sobre a relva. Exceptuando os locais assinalados, para o efeito, que estão a ser recuperados.

O Jardim está a ser estendido para a parte sul, havendo desde 2022 um projecto para a sua ampliação.

Entrance wall to the Foundation and Garden / Muro da entrada da Fundação e do Jardim


The Foundation - A Fundação



The emblematic statue of Calouste Gulbenkian, where he appears as if protected by an eagle
A emblemática estátua do Calouste Gulbenkian, onde aparece como que protegido pela águia


Two small water mirrors, reminiscent of the Japanese
Dois pequenos espelhos de água, que fazem lembrar os japoneses

In this part of the garden we were asked not to step on the grass, as it was being renovated
Nesta parte do Jardim era pedido para não pisar o relvado, por estar em curso uma reabilitação do mesmo


Part of the dozens of trails that lead us to discover various corners of the garden
Uma parte das dezenas de trilhos, que nos levam a descobrir vários recantos deste Jardim






Although the water level in this small artificial lake was a little lower than we might have thought, it turned out to be a nice surprise
Este pequeno lago artificial, apesar de estar com o nível de água um pouco inferior ao que poderíamos pensar que albergasse algo de interessante, veio revelar-se uma boa surpresa


Le wild duck appears... 🦆




As you can see in the following photos, lots of people were enjoying the late afternoon of a Sunday in May in a very pleasant way Como podem ver nas próximas fotografias, imensas pessoas aproveitavam o final de tarde de um Domingo de Maio, de uma forma bem agradável






Works of art can also be found throughout the garden. In this case, these two original bronze sculptures by António Duarte, 1960, with the title "Female Nude", leave a lightness and a pleasant sense of balance, don't you think?

As obras de arte encontram-se também presentes pelo jardim. Neste caso, estas duas esculturas de bronze originais de António Duarte, 1960, com o título de "Nú feminino", deixam uma leveza e uma agradável sensação de equilíbrio, não acham?

This part of the extension to the south is being done. The winning proposal was by Vladimir Djurovi, a Lebanese landscape architect, who proposed a multi-level approach to make the most of the space
Esta parte da ampliação a Sul que está a ser feita. A proposta que ganhou foi a de Vladimir Djurovi um arquitecto paisagístico libanês, que propôs uma abordagem em vários níveis, para tirar o maior proveito do espaço


Sculpture by Maria Irene Vilar, entitled "The World" and created in 1981. Made of cement and bronze
Escultura de autoria de Maria Irene Vilar, intitulada "O Mundo" e criada em 1981. Feito de cimento e bronze

The famous open-air amphitheater. This space hosts various shows and performances, especially on warm summer evenings. Today, only a child's birthday party was taking place here, as it wasn't being used for any exhibitions
O famoso anfiteatro ao ar livre. Este espaço, alberga vários espetáculos e actuações, principalmente nas noites quentes de verão. Hoje, apenas uma festa de anos de uma criança estava aqui a decorrer, visto não estar a ser usado para nenhuma exibição





I hope you enjoyed your walk with me. I hope to see you in a future post!

Espero que tenham gostado deste passeio que deram comigo. Espero encontrar-vos por uma futura publicação!

Sources for this post

Bem Hajam🍀


Photographic edition with PhotoScape X
Translated with (free version)
Photocolage with Canva (free version)



A great and interesting review. Thanks to reviews like this, I get to see more than I can visit in person.

Yes! You would be impressed if you pass by by yourself and see it with your own eyes... It surely deserves a visit! You would be regretted, trust me :)

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Thank you so much for the manual curation @ewkaw! I very flattered for your appreciation 😊

You're very welcome :)

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Beautiful park with all these flowers and sculptures.
Always cool to have a park like this in the heart of the city, perfect for a change of scenery.

Have a great week

Indeed, has you can see by the photos, a lot of persons grab this opportunity of the central location, and the fact that it is free entrance to chill and to catch some rest

Excelente lugar y bello jardín 👏😍🌹

Gracias por su comentário!

We don't often see such fascinating parks in city centers. The city of Lisbon must have benefited greatly from the Armenian Businessman's passion for art because they have a park where statues and flowers are presented together. The green grass displayed on the banks of the buildings looks very beautiful. This place must have taken you back to your past memories. You introduced me very sincerely and sincerely. Congratulations.

Thank you so much for your appreciation, passenger777! You sum it up the all experience and journey :)

Thank you for your comment, and for passing by :)

I love the chill atmosphere of the park and seeing people lay down down on the grass and enjoying their time there. I often visit parks just for this feeling of silence and being surrounded by the beauty of nature :)

Hello Gabriela! Thank you so much for your appreciation, and for your comment! It is truly a special green place to ease our mind, and to unwind our daily tribulations and worries, that is for sure! You would love to pass by that small green corner in the Lisbon center!

Wow , the pictures are all amazing and the place are mesmerizing .

Thank you so much for your appreciation, supremooo!
Thank you for your comment, and for stopping by my post :) Much appreciated!

Wow!!! Thanks for sharing. The place looks very nice and gorgeous! People surely loves to hang out in that place with such a relaxing vibe. The most I liked was the pink flower on your photo, it looks so beautiful!

Thank Vicent for your appreciation! It is a true honor to me to get my mobile humble photos be commented by other users :) Have a great week :) Cheers

What a magnificent photo tour, I did not know of the existence of this park nor of the Gulbenkian Foundation, what a dream place, so green and healthy, I can hardly believe that it is a free access space, it speaks very well of the citizens that it is so beautiful and well cared for 💐 💚

Exactly, Mino! It is a true corner, and a very calm one in the center of the rumble of a European city... The only thing to have to be concerned (for me that I'm from the outskirts of Lisbon), is the parking options... There are not as many as I wish, but after 10 min, I found a perfect place to park, and walked till the park (15 min slow pace).

Have a great week :)

Parabéns pelo excelente registo fotográfico 😊