in Pinmapple3 years ago (edited)


Monday was Women’s Day and we took advantage of the public holiday by taking a little stroll into our local mountains in search of the Silvermine Waterfall. We have lived in the area for a year now and I can’t believe it’s taken us this long to visit. The thing is, you’ve got to get there after a big rain, so Sunday night (while the heavens were opening and the rains were bucketing down) I mentioned to G that I’d like to see the waterfalls. It’s about a 1 ½ kilometre walk to get there from the carpark in the nature reserve, which is only a 15 minute drive from home.


We set off around 10am after a sleep in (both our teenagers had sleepovers so we were alone at home for the first time in ages!) We all work from home and homeschool, so some days it’s hard to get some space. But the great outdoors always comes to the rescue with a new adventure waiting for us!


How cute is this Alsatian carrying a giant stick!!!! He almost took me out at the knees. He was on such a mission!

We walked the first 1.5 kilometres to the turn off where a small sign points down the rocky steps towards the path for the Waterfall. I must have passed this little sign 30 times but I’ve never ventured down.


G’s not the most enthusiastic hiker so I promised him a good breakfast at Cafe Roux after our walk. By now we could hear the rushing waterfall down below and couldn’t wait to get there.


We carefully made our way down the wet sandy steps for another 100 meters and then right in front of us was the most beautiful waterfall!!! I couldn’t believe how a small stream up above turned into this huge waterfall that seemed to have a never ending supply of fresh water.

Here’s a cool video so that you can actually appreciate the feeling of standing almost under the waterfall on a little shelf of rock. (I got wet in the making of this video💦🤪 so show me some love. )



And another one from a different angle!


After our little bit of excitement and awe we took the hike back up the steep rocky steps to the track above and took a slow walk back.



The mountains were looking fresh after the rains and just to remind us that it was winter we got drizzled on for a few minutes as we walked. The weather in Cape Town changes so fast we often joke that we have 4 seasons in a day. And trust me - it’s true! We ALWAYS take a jacket or warm layers and wear light clothes underneath.


By the time we reached the car it was bright and sunny all over again and breakfast was calling my name. (Which actually turned out to be a cheese burger with sweet potato fries 😳)

That obligatory selfie - all masked up outside - our world has gone mad

Anyway, til my next hike… Happy Women’s Day people of the world. Better late than never.



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Great photos and video Zoë

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Thanks!!! It was so cool to be there and such an easy hike.