Creative blogger tag : Getting to know each other and making hive a better place

in Blogging Challenge3 years ago (edited)

I was tagged by @kemmyb to participate in the creative blogger challenge which was initiated by @jongcl here


I'll start by answering jongcl's two obligatory questions. The first question is :

How would you add value to hive?

Other than the fact that I'm consistently blogging, I've also been looking to onboard more active people to hive (note that I said active). I have already onboarded two so far @demilade2all and @fallen.cradle. Demilade has already started blogging, I'm encouraging her to be more active she's making progress. fallen.cradle has been really busy, so I'm not going to push him too much.

I'm also growing my hive power.


How would you make hive a better place

Through constant engagement. I do my best to engage with as many posts as I can find. I share and exchange opinions, I learn, I teach, or advice at the very least. I believe without engagement hive can get boring. So in order to avoid that for both myself and others, I engage.

That's it with jongcl's questions. Now Kemmyb's question


Mention one Wonder of the world you would love to visit and why?

Hmm, If I'm to visit any wonder of the world it would be the hanging gardens of Babylon. Though it's believed to have never existed, I wonder how it will feel walking across a garden on the air.


If you had the power to recreate the world, name two things you would change and why.

Hmm, this one a bit tough, but I'll eliminate all sickness and disease, then I'd make it rain money on Sunday evenings, lol.


What are the two notable things that endeared you to your celebrity crush?

I love Tiffany Haddish a lot, but I wouldn't say I have a crush on her. She's the closest thing to a celeb crush, soo. I love her mainly because she is funny and she is also beautiful.


If you could change your name, what new name would you adopt and why?

For some unknown reasons I like the name Jack. It has this bold and fierce tone in it, and I like it, so yeah, Jack.

And that's it for Kemmyb's questions. I really enjoyed answering them.

And that's it for Kemmyb's questions. I enjoyed answering them.


My nominations and questions


Now I'll be nominating five people to participate. This part is a bit difficult because a lot of people I know have already participated, but here goes @demilade2all @ayesha-malik @sunnyag @shamzy @tunkem1 @iskafan

Here are your five questions (Na question wey you go dey crack head to answer, I wan dey set now) ps : if you don't gerrit, forget about it.

  1. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

  2. If you were to visit anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

  3. Who is your favorite musician and why do you like his/her music so much

  4. What would you do if you were gifted $500, 000 to spend in a day

  5. What is your favorite meal.



Thanks for stopping by, your support and feedback is greatly appreciated. Have a wonderful day.

Ps : All photos are taken from @jongcl's post here


Hello @b0s! Sorry I am just responding to your post. I love your answers to all these questions. Very relatable and interesting.

I've also been looking to onboard more active people to hive

You have onboarded two active writers, so I'll say this is good work! Kepe it up.

hanging gardens of Babylon

I have no idea what this place is or where it's located. Sure it's one of the wonders of the world? 😄

I'd make it rain money on Sunday evenings

Oh my! Everyone would be extremely rich...and most would probably blow the money away knowing another Sunday would come again!

I love Tiffany Haddish a lot...

Me too! She's a beautiful actress with a good sense of humor. I enjoy her movies a lot.

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. 😊

I have no idea what this place is or where it's located. Sure it's one of the wonders of the world? 😄

You can check online. Though It is believed to have been made up, or just an exaggeration.

Oh my! Everyone would be extremely rich...and most would probably blow the money away knowing another Sunday would come again!

Well, that's if the people who are already rich don't find a way to divert it. 😂

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.

You're welcome. And thanks for setting them

I love your answers, especially when you wanted to make it rain money hahaha; how I wish that were true.

Thanks. Its true though

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Hahaha. Your money rain thing made me laugh. There will be no illness or diseases but the injuries while the people would be collecting money. Lol.

Engagement is no doubt the spinal cgord of any blogging platform. Without engagement, the place doesn't feel alive.

Hahaha. Your money rain thing made me laugh. There will be no illness or diseases but the injuries while the people would be collecting money. Lol.

Yeah, as long as you're careful, you can live forever

Engagement is no doubt the spinal cgord of any blogging platform. Without engagement, the place doesn't feel alive.

Without engagement, here will be a digital graveyard. Thanks for stopping by

My pleasure to stop by

One thing is for sure I would love to live in your world without sickness and disease 🤗 and it's even going to be raining cash every Sunday evenings 😁😁 sign me up please!!!
Saw this post via dreamport

😂😂😂, if only I had the power

Great answers no sickness would be a good think

Lol at raining money once a week

Great answers no sickness would be a good think

It is, thanks for stopping by

then I'd make it rain money on Sunday evenings, lol.

My man! I would certainly love to live in your world.

New entry...

You're welcome to join.

Jack, I love the idea of eliminating sickness from this world more specifically mental health.
I am viewing you are doing very well in making engagement with other users 👍
Going to search for Tiffany Haddish 😁
Going to answer all of your questions as they are crispy 😁🙃

I am viewing you are doing very well in making engagement with other users 👍


Going to search for Tiffany Haddish 😁

You should definitely check her out, did I mention she's also crazy

Going to answer all of your questions as they are crispy 😁🙃

I'm looking forward to your answers.

Rain on Sunday evenings... like I didn't Sunday enough already haha

Jack - as soon as I saw that, two things popped in my head

I'm the king of the world
Draw me like one of your French girls

Enjoyed the read


Rain on Sunday evenings... like I didn't Sunday enough already haha


I'm glad you enjoyed reading

You had to choose Jack of all names just because it has a bold and fierce tone in it?... Hmm... Hope its not because of Jack Baur... Lol..

Did I hear you say you will rain money on Sunday evening?.. Lol.. Why pick a specific day to rain money?..

All the best visiting the garden..

Great answers to these questions...

@dreemport directed me to your post

You had to choose Jack of all names just because it has a bold and fierce tone in it?... Hmm... Hope its not because of Jack Baur... Lol..

Tbh I don't know who that is

Did I hear you say you will rain money on Sunday evening?.. Lol.. Why pick a specific day to rain money?..

You're right, it just be random. That way people will always be at alert

Thanks for stopping by

You don't know who Jack Baur is? Don't you watch movies? He actually acted the series 24. You need to see the movie if you haven't.

Ive heard of it, haven't watched it, but will definitely check it out.

Some great answers @bos !PIZZA. I particularly liked The hanging gardens of babylon💗



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Not to be a spoil sport but if it rains money, there would be inflation.

That's why it's only Sunday evenings and it will be regulated. Although I know we humans would find a way to abuse it.

A world with no sickness and disease is a world i would want to live in

Its a world we'll all want to live in.

By the way, I'm looking forward to your answers to my questions.