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RE: Am I Wiser For These Life Lessons Learned? | Day 5 of 30-DAY #BLOGGING CHALLENGE - Part 3 | [ENG/SPAN]

Hello @wesphilbin Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read my topic today in the Blogging Challenge. I also thank you for spreading LUV shares and your support.

Yes, it is easy to say, and definitely harder to do. Myself, I know the things I should do, and sometimes I fall woefully short on executing them. But I do my best. What I'll never do is to expect others to do it for me. They have their own health to think and other issues to concentrate on.

Sometimes I think about my family members still alive. They are not taking care of themselves as they should. I try to encourage them, give direction, and even financial help. In the end, they decide to do something different. Your health is the topmost important asset you have while you're alive. That's just my opinion.

I appreciate your kind words. Have a good rest of your week and hope some health issues you're dealing with can get under control in the near future.