#bloggingchallenge what scares from the past do you have physical or mentally? part 3 days 29

in Blogging Challenge3 years ago (edited)


Hi there, welcome to my daily #bloggingchallenge hope you're having a wonderful time today always a pleasure to share with you here thanks to the team for keeping #hivers engaged always.

Today I will be sharing with you what scares I had from the past.

Scares in our lives can be what will remain with us for life in some cases these scares can rarely be forgotten they remain part of us till we case existing.

At the back of my right leg, I have a very big scar that seems to be likened to a trademark on my body the scar is very visible anyone from far can easily see the scar on my leg.

how I got the scar

To be honest I had to ask my mum what happened to me and how I got the scare which means I had little experience of what happened to me.
According to my mum, she told me I was very young when it happened I was about 3 years old then.

It happened my mum was cooking and she had to go over and carry something when out of curiosity I got close to high-temperature water where I got burned I was very lucky the hot water only splash on my right leg which left me unconscious for days.

This has left a very big scar on me which can never be erased.
These experiences have given me a phobia for anything hot I'm very careful when it comes to handling anything hot I got scared at the sight of hot water.

Thanks for stopping by.
