My 5 current goals

Hello everyone,

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Today,i will be listing five goals i will love to achieve presently.

First of all .What is a goal?An idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envision ,plan and wish to achieve.

My five current goals.

1.My first goal is to create a time for my artworks.
I am presently in the University,and I don't have enough chance to draw due to school exercises ,so all I am planning now is schedule a time for my artworks and post them here on hive.

2.My second goal is to buy a new phone:The phone am using presently has been given me lot of problems,which hasn't been making me do somethings I wish to do,so my goal is to get enough money to buy a new phone by the end of next month.

3.My third goal is to visit my country (Ghana):It has been long since I went back to my country,so am planning to probably find a time,maybe during the holidays to visit my country.

4.My fourth goal is to hold more coins in my portfolio.
Eversince I came across cryptocurrency,I have always wanted to hold many coins and tokens in my portfolio that I can always refer back to.I have come across people who hold large amounts of cryptocurrrency in their portfolios ,and I would also like to hold and earn more coins to make my future bright.

5.My last goal is to improve myself better at reading.
As I said before am someone who doesn't like reading,just reading for one hour makes me get tired, so my focus now is to start reading relentlessly ,for me to perform better in my studies.

Thanks for reading, and have a nice day.


During studies we have enormous goals to achieve; same like you I am enthusiastic to continue my artwork and blogging career;
I wish all of your goals would be achieved soon and don't forget to make a vlog of your travel to your country so that we can also get impressed by the natural beauty.

It's glad to hear that you are also an artist, thanks for stopping by.

All these goals help you to keep growing every day, reading is an excellent habit, going back to your country helps you to get closer to your loved ones and improving your artwork makes you develop within your daily practice.

Excellent mindset!

I really do miss my country,I haven't been there for about 14 yrs now,so going there would be a great thing to do.

Hi @peters-daniel... Its good to meet you here today. Definitely hope you get a new phone and get the time to visit your country.

Is great to see that you left an image source but you should know that all images from Google are not free to use, so it is best you search for images that are free to be in a secure position.

The sites below are where you can get free images to use.


There are many other free pictures sites but those are the ones I can remember for now. I hope you make use of this advice.

Author: @starstrings01

Thanks for the information,I will make sure I go through to the sites.

Quite impressive goals. I pray you achieve them all. Where are you currently staying?
All it takes to achieve a dream is to be completely given to it's fulfilment by taking deliberate but purposeful steps.

I am currently staying in Badagry,lagos