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Heyyyyy!! it's about time I stopped by to read to you, wowww I enjoyed you so much! I'm very impressed by the truth, firstly because of your name, I think that when I tried to pronounce it I did it very badly hahaha thanks to God your username is easier, I also wanted to study engineering, in fact if I was studying it but I ran many risks when I went to the university so I had to leave it and dedicate myself to teaching dance, there I realized that I love children like you, it is very nice to know that you get along with them, that shows that you are a noble soul, full of patience and love, it is very interesting to know that you are an emotional boy, I have known some and it is tender, also those girls who like you to lie to them are going to live unhappy all their lives, having a boy who loves you and tells the truth is the most beautiful thing in the world, I have more things in common with you than I thought, is this a coincidence? hahaha being surrounded by sincere, humble of heart and faithful people is what we should always look for without any doubt, I enjoyed reading this post now I know you a little more, greetings and hugs from Venezuela 😁


wow😃😃😃😃, I'm really flattered and in short of words. Emotional tears almost rolling down my eyes this moment😢. To be candid, you're of a like mind with me and this is indeed, a desirable trait and coincidence. You have a good sense of humor. Thanks a million for the great comment, I'm indeed, humble and flattered this moment. It's really more than a nice moment knowing you more😊 friend @sugarelys