
The Butt gets a pass. You won't get a tip from me though unless we're talking advice.

Now here comes a nostalgic sentence that will get you wet...

Thank you for your entry for the Comedy Open Mic Contest.

I'm seriously dripping!!

 2 years ago  

Butt post is like a butt dial only different.

My life is like a butt dial 😂

 2 years ago  

That's a funny thought. Everywhere's an accident.

Damn... now I want a Cat to name Omicron.
Hmnnnn, off to the cat shelter maybe 😂😉😸

Good name. I love how they name the flu now. Kinda like when they started naming storms.
Good name for a cat for sure....
I think I'm gonna do an omicron sketch for next week🤔

Love the water, your kiddos and yah...I giggled 😁