
Gotta get you a braintecter for your birthday. Cheers buddy!

 2 years ago  

Is your life better now?

My life improves in thousandth of an inch increments everyday. Reckon there's a market for motivational talks?

 2 years ago  

Oh for sure just don't leave home without a micrometer. You know this generation is with their facts.

Hey dude I've been wanting to ask you some things. I've talked to a couple others about the same thing but I'd like to know how you felt leaving everything you knew. I'd like to know how you feel about it now. Do you still have family in the states?

In just a few more months I'm gonna leave again but this time for "good." I trip out on life a lot and the way it steers my course. What's it like making new friends who don't know you?

I have so much I want to ask.