
Awesome I never have to take responsibility for my actions again! I'm pretty sure I don't have a liver or kidneys anymore but all donations are gratefully recieved.

As always good to see you down here 👍

Awesome I never have to take responsibility for my actions again!

I'm sending you a sort of a get away from prison card, it says: "Insane made me do it." And on the other side: "Insane told me." It also could be, in some cases, the final nail to your coffin but don't worry, nails and coffins are a good thing and don't think about it too much.

As always good to see you down here

Way down. Aaaaaaaal the way down.

Anyway, happy to help, be sure to be at home when the delivery comes and get your own doctor ready to make the surgery for you, I could only dig one kidney for you and a partial liver but I hear that's enough. The delivery company said that they will be delivering some time between 31.12.2021 22:00 and 31.12.2022 23:00, make sure you're home all that time, do not go to the loo or even sleep or you might miss the time window they managed to pull out of their system.

Awesome duct taped a bucket to my ass and organised sponge baths and food deliveries , well beer deliveries and some big packs of Snickers... I think I'm ready.

Thanks for the card I don't mind adding nails, I'm pretty sure when I go they'll pour concrete over it just Incase.