I met Mercysugar on a puking day

in Comedy Open Mic9 months ago

In my part of the world, Nigeria, one of the easiest ways to identify an early stage of pregnancy in a lady is via vomiting. Once she's seen puking, the first thought that arrests the mind is "she's pregnant," even though she's suffering from malaria or being allergic to a food she ate. If not for the fact that guys don't get pregnant (as of old), we would have been subjected to the same stereotype. Did I just call that a stereotype? Oh! Forgive me, because the relationship between vomiting and pregnancy in ladies is a real fact!

What about ladies who feel nausea whenever they're travelling? Should we say it's pregnancy also?

From what I found out through a thorough survey;
those ladies who always feel nausea, even when they take remedies before embarking on the journey, are "sinsincally" pregnant (please use a dictionary to find the meaning of that; if it's not in a dictionary, try an encyclopaedia, or better yet, use AI).

I once had an experience with this with a friend, and this is how it went:

Sometime last year, I travelled to a western part of Nigeria, Ekiti State, to see an old friend, Ayo. On my day off arrival, I was prompted to make a move to see a virtual friend I meant on this blockchain, and that's the person of @mercysugar; one of my realest first contacts I made from here. It's so painful that she stopped writing because her man told her to stop and placed her on a monthly salary.

"Mercy, where are you? I'm in your state." I said this as I called her on the phone.

"Stop this joke, na, I'm hungry and I can't start tensing my brain," she jokingly responded plus a 'frowning' voice.

I snapped a photo of a popular place in the environment and sent it to her on WhatsApp. She was amazed, she believed me instantly, and gave me her address to locate her.

Omo! What an opportunity to see the "yellow Mami-water"(beautiful as a goddess). White butterflies began to do lovey-dovey in my stomach.
I excused my friend and headed to her location.

On getting there, she was exactly what I saw in the photo—a typical "yellow Mami Water", she's such an every black guy's dream girl. She would have been my dream girl, but... fair guys don't go for fair ladies, like charges repel( we are of the same color)

Image source

Nevertheless, I stole a good, sweet, and long hug from her. I wanted to plant a kiss, but I was scared to be rushed by guys around, maybe her main guy was there.

She led me to an eatery, and as we were about to make food orders, she received a call that her roommate was rushed to a very far hospital. I was glad because the sick friend just acted like Jesus Christ. What a saviour of my pocket!

We strolled out to get a bus to the mentioned hospital and she suddenly remembered that she's scared of embarking on a long journey because of nausea.

"Oh, you once told me about that in one of our chats. Don't worry, I have a remedy; just follow me," I said as I led her out of the spot, searching for the nearest fuel station.

There was no fuel station around, so I found a roadside spot and headed there.

"What are we doing here?" She asked with curiosity written all over her face.

"We are going to buy a little petrol for you to drink; it cures nausea," I replied with all seriousness. The next thing I heard was a loud scream, "Kingsley!"

"What? You don't trust me?"
"Although I didn't study medicine in school but my field is well vast and better than your linguistics"
She forcefully bust into laughter, she couldn't hide her laughter, even in her devastated mood.

"More importantly, it's a proven method by Princessbusayo." I concluded as I collect the little petrol from the woman selling the petrol

"Oh, I know, Princess" she nodded her head.

I was able to persuade her to drink, and after a shot to her stomach, she felt charged like a 100% battery, and we boarded a bus and left for the hospital.

23 minutes into the journey, her 'ogbanje'(a spirit) began to manifest; her hands were holding her stomach and her mouth from. I noticed that, and I pleaded for the driver to stop. Luckily for us, it was an Uber ride and not the public kind of drive.

She came down, puked, and poured out everything she ate, which was nothing but water....I guess she hasn't been eating real food because she want to remain slim

"Wait, are you pregnant?"
"You took a remedy for nausea before embarking on this journey, and you still vomited." It was a joke but I said that will all seriousness which she raised her head up, looked at him, feeling that she could turn to Indian professional wrestler, Great Kali and fling me off, but hey, she's just as slim as me.

Yesterday, I played a game to write anything about my 7th viewer on a particular status on my WhatsApp and fortunately it was @mercysugar. Yeah, Mercy doesn't like to travel because she feels nausea always.

Thanks for reading.


It's a national anthem for those of us here in Nigeria. Throwing up would be the first to debate on.

That's just the truth.
Thank you for reading

I never knew petrol was a treatment to nausea, but I wonder why she still puked. Well, I see you were happy you didn't spend money on food but then you still ordered an Uber driver? Hmm, I'm confused now...

The fuel as treatment for nausea? I learnt it from a Yoruba person, Princessbusayo. The are known in herbs and personal solutions😄.

For the other one?
Aunty I'm hungry, let me go and eat first

Lol, oya come and complete what you need to say, I'm sure you've eaten now

My pot of soup fell from top of gas yesterday.
I got angry and slept off.
I'm yet to eat till now🏋️

Ahh!!! You can lie! Well done oo

Still not eaten till now. I turned it into fasting

Don't break Sha, you know you don't have body that needs starving, hehe

Fiction + Non fiction =complete story😂💔😂

Small secret, you come here to write about it😂😂. I actually come all the way here to read your blog when you said you are going to write about me. Well, I enjoy reading this. Very hilarious😂😂

Thank you Mercy(that's not even your name sef)

Guy, nobody tell me to stop blogging oo😂😂. And which monthly salary are you talking about 😏😂.

If you're not getting paid by him, why would you stop writing?

You Crack Us Up!

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Ogbonge doctor😂, I wouldn't even trust u to write me a paracetamol prescription with the diagnosis I just read up there.