Is this true? Between anecdotes and gossip


Fuente- geralt

¡Hola risueños amigos!

No hay seres que hablen más tonterías que un estudiante de bachillerato, recuerdo que no paramos de hablar, en esa edad de cualquier cosa hablamos, inventamos, es como la entrada al mundo de las tertulias que escuchamos de todos los adultos con una mezcla de lo que vemos en la televisión, cine y conversaciones de todos nuestros familiares juntos, incluyendo a los borrachos de nuestros tíos.

De dónde sacaron que las cucarachas tienen un gran valor de vitaminas, tienen en mayor cantidad vitamina A. Pido a Dios que eso no sea verdad y algún día nos hagan batidos de esta especie, espero morir antes que implanten esta locura.

Otra cosa que he escuchado, es sobre, la infidelidad, escuché que esta proviene de tanto comer carne. Sin comentarios. Ja,ja,ja. Se imaginan creer que cuando comemos calabaza (auyama) las piernas engordan se tornean y se vuelven más firmes. Creo que por eso sufro tanto de las piernas, eso no me gustaba y mis piernas eran como dos fideos.

Hello, laughing friends!

There are no beings that talk more nonsense than a high school student, I remember that we do not stop talking, at that age we talk about anything, we invent, it is like the entrance to the world of the chats that we hear from all adults with a mixture of what we see on television, movies and conversations of all our relatives together, including our drunken uncles

Where did they get that cockroaches have a great value of vitamins, they have the most vitamin A in them. I pray to God that this is not true and someday they will make us smoothies of this species, I hope to die before they implement this madness

Another thing I have heard about is infidelity, I heard that it comes from eating so much meat. No comment. Ha,ha,ha. Can you imagine believing that when we eat pumpkin (auyama) our legs get fatter, they become firmer and firmer. I think that's why I suffer so much from my legs, I didn't like that and my legs were like two noodles


Fuente- Pixaline

No me puedo retirarme sin decir que me encanta escuchar a los adultos mayores hablando, esos viejitos y viejitas que dicen cada cosa. Tampoco puedo pasar de largo sin dejar algunos de mis cuentos, esas historias que vienen a mi mente como que si las viví ayer.

Recuerdo que mi abuela siempre me decía: "tienes que aprender a limpiar bien", para que cuando te cases, tu esposo no te vaya a dejar porque tienes la casa sucia. Yo apenas con la edad que tenía en esa época, ni entendía porqué me decía eso, yo a esa edad ni pensaba en matrimonio.

Ella distribuía los días de limpieza, a cada uno en la casa nos tocaba hacer algo. Cuando yo estaba muy pequeña me colocaba hacer cosas sencillas, ya cuando fui creciendo me fue dando más responsabilidades y le agradezco que fuera así porque gracias a eso aprendí todo lo que sé actualmente.

Una de mis tías era un poco floja, siempre mi abuela la estaba regañando por no hacer las cosas bien, le decía: "muchacha, haga las cosas con ganas, con entusiasmo, pareces una pereza", yo me preguntaba a mí misma: ¿Qué será una pereza? Ya luego de más grande fue que supe cuál era la pereza y cómo son de lentas. Cada vez que ejecuto algo y si me llega a dar flojera, recuerdo a mi abuela y me activo, hago las cosas con ánimo, sacudiéndome la flojera.

Como yo era la pequeña de la casa, mi tía siempre me buscaba para fregarme, mi abuela le mandaba hacer cosas a ella y todo le fastidiaba, pero cuando llegaba el fin de semana y ella quería salir, se ponía hacer oficio para que mi abuela le diera permiso, entonces iba corriendo a buscarme y me decía: si me ayudas te compro muchas chucherías, yo de inocente le ayudaba para tener chucherías y después mientras yo hacía algo, ella se ponía a ver televisión y me dejaba haciendo sola las cosas, yo por ser más pequeña me cansaba rápido y es cuando ella se ponía pilas y se levantaba para terminar más rápido porque si llegaba mi abuela y ella no había terminado, de seguro el permiso para salir estaría en tela de juicio o lo más seguro es que la repuesta de mi abuela sería un no rotundo, respecto al permiso de su salida.

I can't leave without saying that I love to listen to the elderly talking, those old men and women who say everything. Nor can I pass by without leaving some of my stories, those stories that come to my mind as if I lived them yesterday

I remember my grandmother always told me: "you have to learn to clean well", so that when you get married, your husband won't leave you because you have a dirty house. At the age I was at that time, I didn't even understand why she told me that, at that age I didn't even think about marriage

She distributed the cleaning days, each one of us in the house had to do something. When I was very little she used to make me do simple things, and when I grew up she gave me more responsibilities and I thank her for that because thanks to that I learned everything I know today

One of my aunts was a little lazy, my grandmother was always scolding her for not doing things well, she would say: "girl, do things with enthusiasm, you look like a lazy person", I would ask myself: What could be laziness? Later, when I was older, I knew what laziness was and how slow they are. Every time I do something and if I get lazy, I remember my grandmother and I get active, I do things with courage, shaking off the laziness

As I was the little one in the house, my aunt always looked for me to make me do things, my grandmother would send her to do things and everything annoyed her, but when the weekend came and she wanted to go out, she would do something so that my grandmother would give her permission, then she would run to look for me and tell me: If you help me I buy you a lot of trinkets, I innocently helped her to have trinkets and then while I was doing something, she started to watch TV and left me doing things alone, I was smaller and I got tired quickly and that's when she got up and got up to finish faster because if my grandmother arrived and she had not finished, surely the permission to leave would be in question or most likely the answer of my grandmother would be a resounding no, regarding the permission to go out


Fuente- webandi

Mi tía me mandaba a barrer y ella se ponía a lavar y luego coleteaba. Mi tía me decía: "Libi, no seas tan lenta, barre más rápido y agregaba: "ven, barre así", me quitaba el cepillo y me decía como hacerlo. La explicación de mi tía era barrer por encimita, como decimos por ahí: "por donde pasa la novia", ja, ja, ja.

Resulta que cada vez que yo barría e iba a recoger la basurita con la pala, siempre le daba y le daba y me quedaba una bendita rayita de tierra, y caminaba y caminaba dándole al cepillo y la pala pero la rayita seguía apareciendo. Cuando mi tía me veía luchando con la tierrita, me decía: no sigas recogiendo con la palita, barre eso para allá afuera o sino me quitaba el cepillo y escondía la tierrita debajo de la alfombra y asunto arreglado, ja, ja, ja.

Pero con el tiempo mi abuela que si limpiaba a profundidad, levantaba las alfombras para limpiarlas y ponerlas al sol, encontraba esas tierritas debajo y ahí era cuando venían los regaños, ella decía que no había sido ella, pagando así, yo, los platos rotos. Gracias a Dios con el tiempo mi abuela llegó a descubrir a mi tía que escondía la tierrita debajo de la alfombra, saliendo yo, ilesa de todo esto, ja, ja, ja.

En la actualidad, cada vez que barro recordaré esos episodios de cuando era niña y después joven. ¿A quién no le ha pasado lo de la rayita de tierra cuando barre?, ja, ja, ja, ¿A quién no le ha obstinado esa rayita? La barremos y la barremos y la barremos, creyendo que acabaremos con ella algún día, pero echamos para atrás y para atrás y nada que desaparece, si seguimos caminando para desaparecer la rayita de tierra, pues llegaremos a otro estado, ja, ja, ja.

En fin, en estos días barriendo hice conciencia de la bendita rayita, y empecé a buscar la manera de poderla echar por completo en la pala o por lo menos un 90% de desaparecerla, y ahora con la punta del cepillo le voy dando y dando hasta que la logro montar la tierrita en la pala.

My aunt would send me to sweep and she would start to wash and then she would brush. My aunt would tell me: "Libi, don't be so slow, sweep faster and she would add: "come on, sweep like this", she would take the brush away from me and tell me how to do it. My aunt's explanation was to sweep on top, as we say around there: "where the bride goes by", ha, ha, ha, ha

It turns out that every time I swept and went to pick up the garbage with the shovel, I always hit it and hit it and there would be a blessed little line of dirt, and I would walk and walk, hitting the brush and the shovel but the little line would still appear. When my aunt would see me struggling with the dirt, she would tell me: don't keep picking it up with the shovel, sweep it out there or else I would take the brush away and hide the dirt under the carpet and that was it, ha, ha, ha, ha

But with time my grandmother, who cleaned in depth, lifted the carpets to clean them and put them in the sun, she found those little dirt underneath and that was when the scoldings came, she said that it had not been her, and so I paid for the broken dishes. Thank God, in time, my grandmother discovered my aunt who was hiding the little earth under the carpet, and I came out unscathed from all this, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha

Nowadays, every time I sweep, I will remember those episodes when I was a child and later a young woman. Who hasn't had that little line of dirt when sweeping, ha, ha, ha, ha, who hasn't been stubborn about that little line of dirt? We sweep it and sweep it and sweep it and sweep it, believing that we will finish with it someday, but we go back and back and nothing disappears, if we keep on walking to disappear the little line of dirt, we will arrive to another state, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha

Anyway, in these days sweeping I became aware of the blessed little line, and I began to look for a way to be able to throw it completely in the shovel or at least 90% of disappearing it, and now with the tip of the brush I am giving it and giving it until I manage to mount the little earth in the shovel


Fuente- Peggy_Marco

Reflexionando sobre eso, me pongo a pensar que así muchas veces nos pasa en la vida, hay una tierrita que nos molesta, alguna situación adversa en la familia, en el trabajo, con los amigos, con las personas en la calle, palabras, acciones, personalidades de algunas personas que no soportamos, y nos toca darle y darle para sacar esa tierrita que nos hace molestar, pero hay cosas que no está en nuestro alcance cambiar, así queramos tomar el control. Buscamos esconder la rayita debajo de la alfombra o al borde de una pared, o la sacamos a la calle, pero con la brisa se vuelve a meter la tierrita, el asunto es que no podemos tapar el sol con un dedo, toca enfrentar el problema, buscar soluciones, usar herramientas para manejar la situación, así como hice yo, ahora volteo el cepillo de barrer y con la punta echo la tierra en la pala o con un trapo mojado y así ya la rayita no es molestosa.

Y ¿tú que técnica usarías? Comparte tu experiencia. Ahora entendí que vivimos en el planeta tierra, y la tierra estará por todos lados.

Reflecting on that, I started to think that many times it happens to us in life, there is a little piece of land that bothers us, some adverse situation in the family, at work, with friends, with people in the street, words, actions, personalities of some people that we can not stand, and we have to give and give to remove that little piece of land that bothers us, but there are things that are not in our power to change, even if we want to take control. We try to hide the scratch under the carpet or at the edge of a wall, or we take it out to the street, but with the breeze the dirt gets back in, the thing is that we cannot cover the sun with a finger, we have to face the problem, look for solutions, use tools to manage the situation, like I did, now I turn the sweeping brush and with the tip I throw the dirt in the shovel or with a wet cloth and so the scratch is no longer annoying

And what technique would you use? Share your experience. Now I understand that we live on planet earth, and dirt will be everywhere


Fuente- OpenClipart-Vectors

Todas las imágenes son cortesía de pixabay. Mi firma con aplicación Canva. Traductor utilizado DeepL. Gracias comunidad @comedyopenmic por su apoyo y valorar mi trabajo.

All images courtesy of pixabay. My signature with Canva application. Translator used DeepL. Thank you @comedyopenmic community for your support and appreciate my work



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Such is life, I believe for every problem, there is an outstanding solution and whenever there is no problem, no solution surfaces..

I hope we find a better one when it comes to vitamin A. With the infidelities I will lower my meat consumption and for the rest, we are on planet earth so why worry so much about sweeping and not leaving any dirt on the floor. Jhajahahajahj

Thanks for stopping by @the-lead

Lol, you are very correct.. cus it's not possible to sweep and not to leave any dirty, it will surely surface. You are most welcome anytime friend

Thank you, I was without internet. Well we are on planet earth

Ohhh! No problem then

To think that I was actually reminiscing about most false but funny things we did or heard when growing up makes me laugh about this..I used to feel it was just in this part of the world these experiences occurred...I might have to pull a "Quote Tweet" to this post and reply..I enjoyed this😂..

Hello friend @gone-hive I really believe that I had some kind of Syndrome, I did not pay attention to so many crazy things that my classmates said. I remember those kids who came to visit their uncle and grandparents, they told me all kinds of things. I really felt sorry for them, I would look at them and say these kids are bad, of course it was their imagination. The worst thing was that when I went to their homes, their parents also had stories that were too strange

Lmao..very funny stories if you ask me, but when I think about them, I would just keep laughing

Hey who's the one in the profile picture, I'm sure you'll tell me some of the stories like those of my study friends and neighbors @gone-hive

haha i would take this as a sub @lisfabian but my profile picture is Albert Einstein, if you google him, you would understand why I call myself El Mejor hopefully you won't sub me anymore

Some funny things we think, act and do while growing up it's really crazy .

Imagine that "cockroaches with high vitamin A levels. Eating things behind the door so that our legs would get fat. It was honestly a beastly thing to do. A friend who insisted that a meteorite had fallen behind his house. Now everything is easier, I hear barbarities and I can run away ha,ha,ha,ha
