Funny ways people react when they take alcohol


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I don't understand why people take alcohol especially when they know their heads cannot carry it. Went out to get snacks at this shop that doubles as a bar and this man whom I presume would be in his early forties is seated drinking from a sachet of dry gin. Splattered on the floor between his legs are about seven sachets of the same gin. He reeked of alcohol. His words were slurred and incoherent. I could barely stop myself from bursting into laughter as he said, "I will praise myself o...where did you buy the fish? My first daughter who is four years old is in Nursery 6......on and on. All, mumbo-jumbo. The lady, the shop keeper looked at him in such manner that could only mean disgust. Nobody asked him anything. And, he was very loud. The expression on his face was serious.

Well, guess who I saw this evening knocking at the door of a closed boutique store and screaming that they open the door for him to come in? Yes, you guessed right. The same man from the bar. In his words, "who is inside? Open the door. Gabriel, I'm back. Come and open this door." Angrily, " where did they leave the house and go to this morning? I'm certain he'll be spending the night on the entrance of the boutique.

I promise you, it's a very hilarious sight. Maybe, just maybe, this made me realize that different persons react differently under the influence of alcohol. I'm not an expert at this but some little study has helped. Please, sit on the floor, not on a chair so you don't fall off from laughing out loud and hard. You will get to tell me which group of people are the funniest and which group you belong to.

The first set of people are the deep sleepers:


sometimes I call them the sleeping dead. These people after taking alcohol would fall asleep wherever they were taking these alcohol, and no matter how you try to wake them up, they wouldn't respond, sometimes they begin to sleep-t. alk and may even fight you while you're trying to take them home.

Another set are the staggerers.


Most people fall in this category. Most people whenever they take alcohol tend to stagger and if you try to help them, they'll say don't worry I'm fine. They funniest part is that they would even call you drunk and crazy.

Another set of persons are the gossips, newscasters and the secret revealers.


These set of people can never control their tongue when ever they take alcohol. They Can reveal top secrets and are even capable of causing a war with their tongues. You may have seen them in your different locations. They tend to know a lot and sometimes they make you wonder how they know this what they know. They give unsolicited informations about you, themselves and other people.They would come by themselves then they would began telling you your history and that of your enemies.

The next category of people are the happy fellas -


These ones get so Happy after taking alcohol. They smile and laugh at any and everything. Sometimes you may even think they have gone psycho. They immediately forget their pains and sorrow and sometimes they began to act like clowns and comedians. No matter what you say or do to them at that time, they are always happy and wouldn't get sad or angry. Through out the times of their intoxication, you find them with a big grin.

The next set of persons are the angry and infuriated ones.


After taking alcohol, These ones get angry and flare up at the slightest provocation. It's always funny how they throw tantrums and display erraticism. You dare not provoke them at such times else you may just get assaulted.
These set of persons become very bold and ready for war. The alcohol deceives them into thinking that they have become strong and most times they get into a fight and end up hurting themselves.

The last set are the complainants and the "speak your mind" set :


This set of persons are just want to talk. They talk about all their problems. Present, past and future. They don't and won't stop talking and funnily enough, they're never consistent with one topic of discourse. They start up talking about one issue and before you even try to grasp what they're talking about, they would move on to talk about something else that is very different and unrelated to what they were talking about. They rant and complain. They speak their minds and talk about all the issues that have been bothering them over the years.

So what category do you fall in ? and which one would you consider to be the funniest ?


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Alcohol could make an individual do the dandiest things. For me, it could be a talking spree. I could talk or even give a history class as soon as I get tipsy.

Alcohol is a revealed of hidden truths 🤣🤣😅😂

Thanks for stopping by. I'm happy you enjoyed this

Not sure about which is most funnier but those revealing secrets got my attention, a good way to find out stuffs lol

Thanks alot for stopping by. I really appreciate it

I don't support being drunk and its manifestation but you see the talking type, jeeez! It puts me off.
What makes their tongues to keep rolling out words without control baffles me alot.
In stead of them to quite keep and save the remaining strength left out, they keep blabbering 🤣. Sometimes I used to think there's a spiritual stuff in alcohol that takes over a victim and begin to put words on their mouth🤣

I start out as the happy guy, then I get sick and turn into the sleeping dead. As I've aged, I find myself able to drink alcohol less and less. In my youth, however, alcohol was thing that made me act the most like a 'normal' person. Since most of the people where I live are alcoholics, 'normal' wasn't necessarily a good thing to be!

Omo!! How long did it take you to carry out all these observations? I have just been contemplating which category I would fall into if I was a drunkard 😅 probably the sleepers or speak your mind, will fit me because my brain is not that strong.

Alcohol is really something else, I often wonder the vibes those who indulge in it feel when ever they are in the moment. Like which one be my four years daughter is in nursery 6🤣🤣 are you kidding me?

alcohol can really mess up people if they don't control themselves. Thanks for stopping by, I am glad you enjoyed this.

You are welcome sir, I look forward to read the next episode😁😁