I cut a loop of my sister Maria Isabel's hair[ENG-ESP]

in Comedy Open Mic3 years ago

When I was a child I could think of so many things. Now when I grew up I was shocked and I don't think I would have done so many pranks that remained in my memory and as anecdotes. I have so many anecdotes to tell you that as they come to my memory I will share them with you.

My sister Maria Isabel had a beautiful head of hair and my mother always made her curls with a pencil and that called my attention, my mother said that I was too big. Maria Isabel was three years younger than me. When this prank happened she was four years old and I was seven.

Cuando era niña se me ocurrían cada cosa. Que ahora de grande quedó impactada y no creo que hubiese hecho tanta travesuras las cuales quedaron en el recuerdo y como anécdotas. Tengo tantas anécdotas que contarles que a medida que vienen a mi memoria las comparto con ustedes.

Mi hermana Maria Isabel tenía una linda cabellera y siempre mi madre le hacía unos bucles con un lápiz y eso me llamaba mucho la atención, a mi no me hacian bucles mi madre decia que estaba muy grande. Maria Isabel era menor que yo tres años. Cuando sucedió esta travesura ella tenía cuatro años y yo tenía siete.


At that time we lived in a village and I liked to go out and play with my friends around the house, I remember I had a rope and I used to jump on it. And I had a lot of fun playing traditional games such as hide and seek, jumping the mule, the ula ula, I had a lot of fun.

When I returned home after playing with my friends my sister Maria Isabel was with her beautiful curly curls and had fallen asleep at the end of the afternoon. My mother put her to bed and told me to take care of your sister, I'm going out with your father, Mrs. Eloísa is in the kitchen preparing dinner. I was so tremendous that I could think of anything.

I went to the room where my sister was sleeping and without thinking I cut a loop of her head. Because I wanted to see how that loop was coiled hahahaha. I grabbed the loop I cut and put it in my backpack to take it to school so the teacher could explain to me how the hair was rolled up in the pencil, I was curious. I was careful to cut the loop in the back so it wouldn't show.

En aquel entonces vivíamos en un pueblo y me gustaba salir a jugar con mis amigas por los alrededores de la casa me acuerdo que tenía una cuerda y la vivia saltando . Y me divertía en grande jugando también los juegos tradicionales tales como: a las escondidas, el salto de la mula, el ula ula me divertia muchisimo.

Cuando regreso a casa después de haber jugado con mis amigas mi hermana Maria Isabel estaba con sus bucles rizados bien bonitos y se había quedado dormida al final de la tarde. Mi madre la acostó en la cama y me dijo cuida a tu hermana que voy a salir con tu papá la señora Eloísa está en la cocina preparando la cena. Yo era tan tremenda que se me ocurría cada cosa.

Me fui a la habitación donde estaba durmiendo mi hermana y sin pensarlo le corte un bucle de su cabeza. Porque quería ver como estaba enrollado ese bucle jajajaja. Agarre el bucle que corte y lo metí en mi mochila para llevarlo para la escuela para que la maestra me explicara como se enrollaba el cabello en el lápiz,tenía esa curiosidad. Tuve la precaución de cortar el bucle de la parte de atrás que no se notara.

F1 Bucle Imagen editada en Paint

F2 Mochila imagen editada en Paint

My mother had not noticed and the next day I went with the loop in my backpack to show it to the teacher. And the teacher immediately asked me: -where did you get that loop? and I innocently answered: -I cut it for my little sister Maria Isabel who wanted to know how it was rolled up in the pencil. hahahaha.

The teacher punished me and immediately sent a note to my mom. She said she would come by the school to deal with matters related to the girl Mariela hahahahaha. I gave the note to my mother myself and the next day my mother accompanied me to the school to talk to the teacher about the notice.

Mi madre no se había dado cuenta y al otro dia me fui con el bucle en mi mochila para mostrarselo a la maestra. Y la maestra enseguida me preguntó: -de dónde sacaste ese bucle? y yo inocente le respondí: -se lo corte a mi hermanita Maria Isabel queria saber como se enrollaba en el lápiz. jajajaja.

La maestra me castigo y enseguida le mandó una nota a mi mamá. Que pasará por la escuela para tratar asuntos relacionados con la niña Mariela jajajajaja. Yo misma le entregué la nota a mi mamá y al otro día mi madre me acompañó a la escuela para hablar con la maestra con respecto a la notificación.


The teacher took out the loop she had cut off my sister and my mother was astonished. And she asked: "Where did you get that, teacher? And the teacher answered: "Mariela brought that loop, she cut it for her sister because she wanted to know why you roll the girl's hair in the pencil and give it that shape. And I started to cry, I cried so much that I swelled up and asked my mother not to hit me, hahahahahaha. Because I was sure I was going to get a beating when I got home.

I went back home with my mother and told my father what happened. He scolded me very hard but he didn't hit me. hahahahaha I was saved from that one. My father blamed my mother because she shouldn't have left me alone with my sister. I should have told Eloisa to stop what she was doing and take care of us. I was punished and didn't go out for fifteen days to play with my friends. My mother taught me how to do the loops to my little sister and I even learned how to do them and my mother from time to time did them to me too. Analyzing this behavior it would be a way to get attention so that my mother would make me do the loops too hahahaha.

La maestra sacó el bucle que le había cortado a mi hermana y mi madre se quedó asombrada. Y preguntó: -de dónde sacó eso maestra?. Y la maestra le respondió:-ese bucle lo trajó Mariela ella se lo cortó a su hermana porque quería saber porque usted enrolla el cabello de la niña en el lápiz y le da esa forma. Y empecé a llorar lloré tanto que me hinche y le pedía a mi madre que no me pegara jajajajaja. Porque de seguro iba a tener una paliza cuando llegara a casa.

Regrese a casa con mi madre y le contó lo ocurrido a mi padre. El me regaño muy fuerte pero no me pego. jajajaja me salvé de esa. Mi padre le echó la culpa a mi madre porque no debía haberme dejado sola con mi hermana. Tenía que haberle dicho a Eloisa que dejara lo que estaba haciendo y cuidarnos. Me castigaron y no salí por quince días a jugar con mis amigas. Mi madre me enseñó como le hacia los bucles a mi hermanita e inclusive aprendí hacerlos y mi madre de vez en cuando me los hacía a mi tambien. Analizando este comportamiento sería una manera de llamar la atención para que mi madre me hiciera también a mi los bucles jajajaja.


This content is 100% original. Translator used Deepl. Banner separator taken from google and modified in Paint.



Hi @mariela53, thank goodness it was the loops and not the head or a naughty little girl hand wuaoooo. Thanks for leaving your anecdotes for these spaces.You are always welcome by our great #comedyopenmic community

Hola @mariela53, menos mal que fueron los bucles y no la cabeza o una mano niñita traviesa wuaoooo. Gracias por dejar tus anécdotas por estos espacios. Siempre eres bienvenida por nuestra gran comunidad #comedyopenmic

Hi friend @lisfabian I admit I was very naughty. I think I outdid My poor little angel hahahahahaha. It was a childish prank hahahahahaha.I love this community because we can tell those pranks that eventually bring a smile to our faces. Greetings

Hola amiga @lisfabian reconozco que era muy traviesa. Creo que superé a Mi pobre angelito jajajajaja. Fue una travesura de niña jajajaja. Me encanta esta comunidad porque podemos contar esas travesuras que con el tiempo nos sacan una sonrisa. Saludos

Hey, @mariela53. This is a funny post. It's really cool seeing you post here more.

Keep these quality posts coming :)

hello @comedyopenmic my heart swells with joy because you liked my posts. This community is very joyful and fun very important because we can bring smiles in times of difficulties. Very grateful with your comment. Greetings

Hahaha that was a funny one, I was actually wishing you would not tell your teacher where you got the hair loop from but you did!!!!

And she reported you 😂😂😂😂

Well, thank goodness it didn't get any worse to the extent of mum hitting you. You even got to learn something new that way.

Funny joke you have here, thanks for sharing with us 😊

Hahaha that was a funny one, I was actually wishing you would not tell your teacher where you got the hair loop from but you did!!!!

And she reported you 😂😂😂😂

Well, thank goodness it didn't get any worse to the extent of mum hitting you. You even got to learn something new that way.

Funny joke you have here, thanks for sharing with us 😊

Thank you friend @merit.ahama for your comment super grateful. Yes the teacher wanted my mom to hit me but she didn't get it, that teacher was very scolding and strict, she almost hit me hahahahahahaha.😁😆😁😆😁😆

Hahaha strict teacher, I could guess already 😅

Yes very strict I remember the teacher's face her attitude and long the laugh 😁😆😁😆😁😆

So funny 😂