We are all prostitutes (ENG/ESP)

in Comedy Open Mic7 months ago



Yes, maybe the title may seem a bit shocking. But let me explain, it won't take long.

To be honest with you, I have a few months in economic decline. Obviously, this gives me anxiety, uncertainty, and some fear. But I am a medical student, I live without family in a city that is not where I grew up, I do not have many friends, I have some psychological and emotional traumas just like everyone else, I have some unstable family relationships and I live in a third world Latin American country with an economy that to understand it you need to be a finance expert, or at least be Venezuelan.

In other words: I am used to anxiety and instability. Does that make it less unsettling? Mm... Not really. But hey, at least we are still here, right?

I have been constantly updating my CV depending on the job offer, filling out forms, looking for access to payment methods that are not used here, going through groups and different platforms looking for online offers, and basically entering an endless spiral of to-do lists that only generate more and more anxiety.

I was discussing with my boyfriend how annoying the whole process of getting a decent job is, and he told me a phrase that made me understand one of the reasons why it is difficult to get the job you want:

"The key is to know how to sell yourself".

So, I thought:

Sure! I have to become a prostitute then!

A job prostitute... I mean.
But I think he didn't like the idea, though.

And hey, I have nothing against prostitutes, money, or capitalism. But I do have some things against debts and ME being poor.

My point is that, once you face adult life, you realize that in reality, people don't give a damn about your skills, your talents, your experience, your connections, your aptitudes, your recognitions, or awards... They just want you to deliver what they ask of you and provide good service. None of that matters if you don't know how to seduce your potential employer or your potential clients.

You probably know what I'm talking about.

In the end, we all belong or are forced to belong to a system in which we have to learn to seduce others with our services, or, the client or employer simply chooses the next in line. And this idea cuts across any profession. And nope, nobody cares about your university degree if you don't have experience.

Clearly, there is no definitive path to the ideal job, and anyone selling you the ultimate solution (of which there are many and they call themselves "coaches") is also scratching at any vulnerability in the audience to make money.

Even on this platform, many of us have ended up here because we've heard that we can make some extra money. Most of us are here because of that or because we want to share our ideas, and if both options align with your profile, you've won the lottery, friend!

Lucky those who make a living doing something they love or that motivates them and transcends far beyond money. That, unfortunately, is not the reality of the majority.

Here in Venezuela, the average university student necessarily requires an extra income, unless their parents aren't afraid to let go of their pocketbook.

Most students and recent graduates end up being waiters, working in call centers for foreign companies, and basically getting into anything to subsist. From mini-games that generate cryptocurrencies to strange platforms used by international companies that know very well that in Latin America they get cheap labor. All for the sake of not drowning in an inflationary economy that ends up being chaotic and depressing.

Anyway, although these reflections leave a bit of a bad taste in the mouth, I think it is important to realize all this so that we understand that if you want to be selected for the next job, stop putting what primary school you were in or "responsibility" and "creativity" in the skills section, Karen. That's not very creative, and we all know that's a lie.



Sí, quizá el título puede parecer un poco impactante. Pero déjenme explicarles, no tomará mucho.

Para ser sincera con ustedes, tengo algunos meses en declive económico. Evidentemente esto me produce ansiedad, incertidumbre y algo de miedo. Pero soy estudiante de medicina, vivo sin familia en una ciudad que no es donde me crié, no tengo muchos amigos, tengo algunos traumas psicológicos y emocionales al igual que todos, tengo algo de relaciones familiares inestables y vivo en un país latinoamericano tercermundista con una economía que para entenderla se necesita ser experto en finanzas, o al menos, ser venezolano.

Es decir: estoy acostumbrada a la ansiedad y a la inestabilidad. ¿Eso lo hace menos inquietante? Mm... La verdad no, pero ey, al menos seguimos aquí ¿no?

He estado actualizando mi CV constantemente dependiendo de la oferta de trabajo, llenando formularios, buscando acceder a métodos de pago que acá no se utilizan, paseándome por grupos y diferentes plataformas en busca de ofertas online, y básicamente entrando en un espiral sin fin de listas de quehaceres que solo me generan más y más ansiedad.

Discutía con mi novio sobre lo fastidioso de todo el proceso de conseguir un trabajo decente, y me dijo una frase que me hizo entender una de las razones por las cuales es difícil conseguir el empleo que deseas:

"La clave está en saberse vender".

Entonces, pensé:

¡Claro! Tengo que convertirme en prostituta.

Prostituta laboral... Me refiero.
Pero creo que igual a él no le gustó mucho la idea.

Y ey, no tengo nada en contra de las prostitutas ni en contra del dinero o el capitalismo.

Mi punto es que, una vez te enfrentas a la vida adulta, te das cuenta de que en realidad a la gente le importa un rábano tus habilidades, tus talentos, tu experiencia, tus conexiones, tus aptitudes, tus reconocimientos o premios... Solo quieren que cumplas con lo que te piden y que ofrezcas un buen servicio. Nada de eso importa si no sabes seducir a tu posible empleador o a tus posibles clientes.

Probablemente tú sabes de lo que hablo.

Al final, todos pertenecemos o nos vemos obligados a pertenecer a un sistema en el tenemos que aprender a seducir a los demás con nuestros servicios, o, el cliente o empleador simplemente escoge al siguiente en la fila. Y esta idea atraviesa a cualquier profesión u oficio. Y no, tu título universitario al final no le importa a nadie si no tienes experiencia.

Evidentemente, no hay un camino definitivo para conseguir el trabajo ideal, y quien te venda la solución definitiva (que muchos de esos hay y se hacen llamar "coaches"), también está rascando cualquier vulnerabilidad en el público para conseguir dinero.

Incluso en esta plataforma, muchos hemos acabado acá porque hemos escuchado que podemos conseguir algo de dinero extra. La mayoría estamos aquí por eso o porque queremos compartir nuestras ideas, y si ambas opciones se alinean con tu perfil, ¡Te ganaste la lotería, amigo!

Suertudos los que se ganan la vida haciendo algo que les gusta o les motiva y que trasciende mucho más allá del dinero. Esa, lamentablemente, no es la realidad de la mayoría.

Aquí en Venezuela, el estudiante universitario promedio requiere de un ingreso extra obligatoriamente, a menos que sea de padres que no teman soltar el bolsillo.

La mayoría de los estudiantes y recién graduados terminan siendo meseros, trabajando en call centers para empresas extranjeras, y básicamente metiéndose en cualquier cosa para sobrevivir. Desde mini juegos que generan criptomonedas hasta plataformas extrañas que utilizan empresas internacionales que saben muy bien que en Latinoamérica consiguen mano de obra barata. Todo en aras de no ahogarse en una economía inflacionaria que termina siendo caótica y deprimente.

En fin, si bien estas reflexiones dejan algo de mal sabor en la boca, creo que es importante darse cuenta de todo esto para que entendamos que si quieres que te seleccionen en el siguiente empleo, dejes de poner en qué colegio primario estuviste o "responsabilidad" y "creatividad" en la sección de habilidades, Karen. Eso no es muy creativo, y todos sabemos que es mentira.


This is both humorous and insightful. You perfectly captured the challenges of finding a job in a tough economy, and you do it in a way that is both relatable and entertaining. I especially liked your point about the importance of being able to "sell yourself." In today's competitive job market, it is more important than ever to be able to effectively communicate your skills and experience to potential employers.

I also appreciated your honesty about the realities of the job market in Venezuela. It is clear that you have done your research and that you are not afraid to speak your mind. Weldone

Yes, it is hard but necessary to learn this for today's requirements, that's what I wanted to share. Thanks a lot for taking your time to read my post, I really appreciate it 🤍

Thanks for sharing such a powerful and insightful yet humorous post.

Keep writing


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@dimascastillo90(1/5) tipped @mimistories

Lols I can help but laugh at your word play.

It's true though, we're all prostitute indeed, because we literally jump from one skills to another and task to another, all in bid to get noticed, appreciated or rewarded, this plays out both offline and here on the hive Blockchain, and this has made people study hard just so they can participate in niches they ain't good at, but all for the sake of the reward system available there.

Completely true, and this is something that is completely universal. I'm glad it was understandable and not offensive😅 thanks for your comment.

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