About My Favorite Childhood Experiences

in Comedy Open Mic2 years ago
Hello Friends,

Childhood days could either be fun or boring to some kids, depending on the environment/surrounding the child is been nurtured. I remember that when I was a child, I would ways wish to grow older and bigger quickly, so that I can do all the things adult do because I felt it was all enjoyment 🤔.

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It's true that our lifestyles today are greatly influenced by how we were trained during our childhood days. No wonder the bible stated that "we should train our kids in the way they ought to go", because when they are grown up, they wouldn't depart from that way of life.

Growing up for me were filled with fun and adventures discoveries. Everyday of my tender life was filled with one new lesson or the other, which I learnt through my curiosity, and as I grew up, I discovered many more facts about life.

When I was younger, I was very curious about how things happened, but when I go more deep into researching, I would see that I was eventually wrong. Below were some of my funny thoughts as a kid.

My childhood hilarious childhood thoughts verse what I later came to realize when I grew up

My Childhood ThoughtsMy Discovery Now (In Reality)
I initially thought that women normally gets Pregnant🤰 by eating lots of food till their stomach becomes big😅But as I grew up, I then realized that a woman must first engage in Mating with a man to get pregnant.
I initially thought that when a person gets to a certain age he/she won't be able to cry again even with the worst feelingsBut I later realize that everyone at one point or the other could cry
As a child, I thought the moon🌕 was stalking and monitoring me everywhere I go🤣But I got to realize that the reason why it seems so was that the moon is very far from us, and as we walk along closer objects like buildings🏠 and trees🌲it will seem as if the moon is following us.
As a child, I thought being an adult is a guarantee to automatically start getting money, which was why I made promises like buying an aeroplane with my money when I grow up🤔.But I came to realize that before a person makes his/her money, that person must first pass through some sort of stress (in some cases lots of stress isn't even a guarantee to make money).

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Basically, I have come to realize that my childhood days were filled with discoveries and curiosity. We learn everyday, that's why I still remain curious about things of life, and I love discovering new things.

Apart from curiosity lifestyle I had right from my childhood, I equally love to play and have fun with other friends. Infact my favourite childhood experiences circled around playing freely and been happy with friends.

My Favorite Childhood Experience

They are some sort of childhood plays I personally missed alot, which I won't necessarily be able to play now that am grown. Nevertheless, they were among one of the best days of my life and I will always remember them.
As a child, I had no worries, so I loved playing all sorts of plays ranging from Football games, Molding of clays, Wrestling with friends🤼 (mindless of the ""don't try this at home"" warning from #WWE Networks) and many more.
I mostly preferred playing under the rain🥵, because it's kind of the best and most memorable feeling I ever had during my childhood days. When am playing under the rain, it's usually as if nothing else matters and trust me it's something I wish I could do more often now that am grown.


Of a fact, our childhood days were filled with funny and silly memories, but it's equally a phase of our life's where we learn and develope ourselves on the task ahead.

Thanks for your time here ❤️.

Childhood memories is always fun to remember of with so much funny acts one engaged into back then 😃

😅😅😂You can sure relate to the good old days when we had little or no worries. Thanks for your time here, I really appreciate ❤️.

It sure seem like you had so much fun growing up... I remember playing that molding of clays play, it was so much fun.

Playing in the rain tops all the childhood games for me though 😁

I can tell you equally had fun-filled moments growing up😅😅😂. Molding was my thing, and playing in the rain was so much fun and exciting. I really appreciate your time here hun❤️:-)

Yeah, it was fun no doubt