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RE: APOCO-MART Comedy Open Mic

in Comedy Open Mic2 years ago

I think there might just not be enough people left to really appreciate Bobs braintecter, looking at the current market and youtube trending there seems to be a very viable demogra'fic for it.

Lotsa work on those logos so my guess is Rubido went to work online as a designer. Online I mean by the railway, and by designer I mean selling anti-zombie weed. At least the buyers will be to stoned to know they were eaten.

Somehow never followed.I rectified that :P oops.


Possibly many things in the past, and definitely done lots of things by the railway. The anti Zombie weed was certainly a hit. Return customers were a bit of an issue at the beginning before the Braintecters hit the market.

Thanks for the follow, I love the fact that your text emoji poops.