Is @bluemist a mature MILF who loves to put on makeup and eat healthy and tasty learning new cooking recipes?

To tell the truth, I don't know exactly what prompted me to write and publish this post. But I have the impression that it was through a strange dream I had last night in which I was surrounded by a large crowd that in total confusion was asking aloud the same question in the title of this post. And in that dream, I promised them that I would investigate and clarify the whole mystery. So, here are some facts to solve the enigma. };)

  • First of all, let's clarify that certainly the person who is known under the username @bluemist is someone very well 'appreciated' in the Hive ecosystem. And perhaps is so 'appreciated', because s/he precisely has the control and administration of the bot whose name is @appreciator that, also certainly, is capable of granting the most succulent and juicy upvotes within the ecosystem. Since this bot is financed and supported by one of the largest shareholders and most opulents individuals of this platform in the Hive blockchain. The silent and mysterious maecenas @freedom with a quite respectable HP delegation of 8,214,127.279 hives to this "curation" bot.

And in consequence, it's not surprising that the majority of users on this platform are always ready to please this bot and its Admin through their content. And always staying attentive to their profitable visit eagerly waiting that they both read, consume, digest, evaluate and rewards their posts.

  • I must also clarify that the bot @appreciator also count with many more minor HP delegations from multiple users. Which raises the amount of its available HP to the not insignificant sum of 10.51M HP with the ability to cast an upvote of $250 in one fell swoop at 100% of its VP. The significant upvote that everyone craves. LoL

But as expected. Bots do not think by themselves, they are inanimate, they do not have a brain and therefore they are only controlled, administered and managed by their puppeteer. And that responsibility is precisely the one that falls on the potential MILF @bluemist judging by her preference in upvoting more than anything posts about makeup tutorials and cooking recipes in the platform hahahaha.

Uhm, well, if we're fair... I have to confess that I've also seen posts upvoted by @appreciator that deal with other topics too. Like crafts, DiY domestic stuff and many other equally feminine things. Hence, the question that gives title to this post!

Thus, only due to these singular characteristics, voting preferences, that I know English is not her native tongue and the curious slogan headline in her profile. It's just why I insist like imagining her as a mature MILF as in the picture below.

«------A Realist on the path to Perfection-------»

That in her constant search of perfection to always be in shape with new makeup tricks. Trying to stay and look forever young and healthy always learning new homemade food recipes that are creative, cheap and easy to carry out to devour them without the need for diets or complicated exercise routines or specialized medicines to maintain the silhouette. That's why I suspect @bluemist must be a MILF!

¡And that's why s/he votes so much and so well makeup posts and innovative cooking recipes!

Well, I also have to admit that you might think that @bluemist might be a grown man too. And he likes to upvote and reward specifically these kind of articles for other reasons. For example, that being a man, he delights and pleasantly stimulates himself rewarding this type of feminine publications to encourage the beautiful ladies who usually publish them to continue doing so with greater enthusiasm and frequency. So that he always count with a great daily dose of beauty in his life. ¿Huh?

Yeah, I've already heard somewhere that what s/he really loves are creative publications. With original and creative content. Because s/he loves creativity to activate her/his bot and appreciate, upvote and recognize the work of these creative authors.

A real shame that aside the content of the MakeUp Power & Foodies Bee Hive communities, s/he usually doesn't "curate" content with comedy and sense of humor. By instance, the COM community, which is where this thought provoking & daredevil post with such a sinister question in its title is going to end up.

Ah! if only s/he'd dedicate us "comedians" a few of her old cheery songs.

So, and just in case and without giving the devil a chance. I'm gonna share here also a picture of how I look with makeup when I write a humorous post. And I will also add a healthy, homemade and cheap cooking recipe to see if even by accident s/he read this funny article and decide to activate the @appreciator bot to reward me too.

"My Creative Makeup"

"My Healthy Cooking Recipe"

¡The Only Recipe for Ice Cubes You’ll Ever Need!

  1. Empty the ice cubes that are left in the trays (if there are any left) into the bin.
  2. Take the trays over to the sink and fill them with cold water. Hot water will freeze faster and more clear.
  3. Place the water filled ice trays back in the freezer.
  4. Replace the ice bin if you had to remove it.
  5. Shut the door to the freezer.
  6. Be sure to leave for around 4-6 hours at least to make sure it is frozen.
  7. If you want to experiment, you can freeze things like fruit infused waters or juices or wine that some say wine is good for the heart and in case you want an experience just as healthy but a little more voluptuous and intoxicating.

And well, I think that this will be all for today folks. Previously I thought of turning this post into a kind of contest or something like that and offering some juicy prize to whoever answered the question that gives title to this post correctly.

But nah! Why would I bother? If everyone here already knows that my contests are not usually easy to solve and for the same reason almost nobody wants to participate and compete in them eh? So, I figured it would be more useful and entertaining just to try to amuse you for a while with a good riddle and make you laugh if it's even possible. ¡And I sincerely hope that was the case!

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf



Solo de imaginar que la mismísima Cher me ha votado, me comenzaría a maquillar.

Le hicimos una entrevista donde nos dijo su edad (30 años). Fue lo único que pudimos sacarle XD. La voz es de un bot masculino.

Solo de imaginar que la mismísima Cher me ha votado, me comenzaría a maquillar.

Me lo imagino compadre! Y dígame si también te da por incluir pequeñas calaveras como el fetiche principal en tu obra de arte facial? De seguro te batuquea contra el suelo a punta de besos y votos mientras te susurra una cancioncita sexy al oido jajajaja. };)

Le hicimos una entrevista donde nos dijo su edad (30 años). Fue lo único que pudimos sacarle XD. La voz es de un bot masculino.

Sí hermano, me enteré de la experiencia e inclusive creo que en su momento también anduve husmeando por allí cuando se producía. Un gran y merecido homenaje que ojalá pronto se repita.

Muchas gracias por el enlace y la oportunidad que nos das de disfrutar nuevamente de tan gratos recuerdos.

De resto, agradezco mucho tu comentario y solo espero verte a tí y a tu equipo mucho más seguido por aquí. :)

Un fuerte abrazo y que continúen los éxitos!

Interesante como te imaginas la imagen de tal ballena jajaja me parece chistoso

Oh no! no es a la ballena a la que me imagino de esa manera. A la que me imagino así es a la concubina que controla y domina a la ballena pa que afloje los churupos. Jajajaja

Bienvenida por aquí mi estimada @crisch23. Muchas gracias por comentar y de verdad me alegra mucho que te haya parecido chistoso este post.

Jajaja realmente chistoso y aún más a su consorte imaginado diciendo Vota aquí que está me gustó jajaja

Exacto! es que éste es un trío muy liberal y singular. Y es precisamente el toque femenino en su curiosa
y peculiar relación abierta la que nos resulta tan chistosa. ;o)


I'm pretty good with the ice. Distilled water for step 2 - hot or cold - that is transparent ice.

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @operahoser, @por500bolos

remaining commands 2


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-2.5 BUDS-0.01 MOTA-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Oh fine. Now I have the chance to learn how to hoard and send so many different tokens to the mass. :D

Credit: underlock
Earn Crypto for your Memes @!

Yeah! MeMetize your Crypto yeah! };)

Good! although as I said before, you should also try fill them with wine for step 2. Since some scientists say that wine is good for the heart, although they later contradict themselves. LoL

When my day started I didn't think I'd be reading the question "Is @bluemist a mature MILF who loves to put on makeup and eat healthy and tasty learning new cooking recipes?", but now I have.

BTW, I shared your post on Listnerds as I found they might appreciate the comedy there. Don't be alarmed by people jumping here from there lol!


When my day started I didn't think I'd be reading the question "Is @bluemist a mature MILF who loves to put on makeup and eat healthy and tasty learning new cooking recipes?", but now I have.

Of course! When your day starts, you can never know what unique humorous things you are gonna read unless you visit the blog of the outlandish Cranky Gandalf. That's the secret to learn & have new things. Hahahaha

BTW, I shared your post on Listnerds as I found they might appreciate the comedy there. Don't be alarmed by people jumping here from there lol!

Thank you very much! It's well appreciated. And don't worry, that this wizard never gets alarmed when he sees new things. Especially when he's confirming that people jumping here from there is working! LoL

I think you need to edit your tags if you want that appreciator vote. Throw in a #foodiesunite or #maybeitsmaybeline or something. I haven't cracked the code myself, but I'm sure the code is in the tags.

Sheesh! If with so many mentions that I made both to him and to its Admin in this post, the thing does not work and they do not show up over here to vote. Then I think there is no tag in this world that can do it. Hahahaha

I haven't cracked the code myself, but I'm sure the code is in the tags.

That's precisely what the question that gives title to this post suggests and invites you to find out. ¡Break the code! Since throughout this post I have already left enough clues to achieve it. :D

Not into makeup, but I can whip up something delicious in no time! Need to share more often in foodies and see what happens!



Thanks for sharing.

Read from LN

Oh yeah! whip us with your delicacies @justclickindiva. And don't forget to share your recipes in the foodie's community to see what happens. :)

That later there will be enough time to put on makeup and welcome the guests and their votes.

Too funny! Will do.

Enjoyed the engagement. Take care.

Dejando unos churupitos por acá 🤣
Saludos @por500bolos feliz comienzo de semana 🙏

Del carajo chamín! Todo sea pa reunir pa las pasitas. Jajajaja

Jajaja esas no son tan caras 😂

Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!

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As always, thank you very much Encouragement Team! :)

Cher looks as good at 75 as she did at 25. If that is what the right food and makeup can do for you, I wish I had eaten better in my youth.

Well Bob, perhaps today could be your lucky day for having commented on this post and suddenly @bluemist shows up to reveal to all of us her true secret of eternal youth.

Because the truth is, that one never knows what could happen from one moment to another. ;o)