
I did all that rubbish for money that is my own and crazy thing is my nephew told everyone at home about it and they all laughed at me.

lol well being able to laugh at ourselves is a great quality. It is an icebreaker too and makes you look human! I bet your nephew was laughing while telling everyone hehe

He was so excited especially since he ate free food from me.

hehe yea food for a kid is awesome, I know I would have been excited too!

Food for even me is always awesome so I can imagine and since we had been trying to cut down and eating noodles, it was a treat.

oh if you are cutting down and as we are talking about noodles, then I think I shall make a packet of instant noodles for lunch, that is quick and tasty"

You are making me so hungry for noodles but I have to cut down, I have been gaining weight a lot and I can't keep eating unhealthy.