Another Variation of Spinach and Eggs

By now, you may have noticed that I like to combine spinach and eggs for breakfast, while mixing in other ingredients that I have in the refrigerator.


I started again by warming melted butter and avocado oil in a sauté pan, then tossing in a large handful of spinach. It doesn't take long to wilt, so if you're adding meat, decide if you need to sauté that first. In this case, I had a slice of molinari salami to use. Warming that up was easy enough while the spinach wilted.


As the spinach cooks, spread it to the outside of the pan and crack the egg in the middle. Cook the egg until much of the egg white has solidified without browning. Sprinkle on some salt and pepper at this point if that's your preference.


Flip the egg, then tuck the spinach in. It won't take long for the egg white to finish. This is where you decide what consistency you want for the yolk. I like runny.


Slide the food into a bowl or on a plate. I wanted a tart element to go with the salty salami and creamy yolk. Crumbled goat cheese worked well here.


And here it is. A yummy, nummy and quick way to start the day. Best wishes!