My first ring Cake - Guglhupf

Today after work I had a big appetite for some cake. So I decided to go to Hofer and buy all the Ingredients I need for a Cake.

Since I know the Gugelhupf is one of the easier cakes I decided to bake this one and I found the recipe on the website of an well known austrian baking supplier. It is also the producer of the vanillin sugar and the baking powder that I used to bake in this recipe. Since this is my first "Gugelhupf" Cake I am pretty happy about the results. At least I can say it looks pretty good and I am pretty positive that it also tastes great, although I havn't tried it yet since it is still hot. But today evening I will give it a first try.

Baking Time 45 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.

150 grams Butter
50 grams powder sugar
1 Pck. Vanillin sugar
a bit of salt
3 Eggs
100 grams sugar
300 grams glattes flour
1 Pck. baking powder
⅛ l milk

The Preparation is not so difficult. Mix the butter with the sugar, salt and vanillin sugar. seperate the eggwhite with the yolk and create an egg cream from the egg white. Then mixx everything together with the other ingredients. Put the dough in the form but first put some butter around the form so the cake is easier to undo and bake it for 45 minutes at 180 degrees celsius, and that's it. Now I hope it tastes well, but it is still hot so I have to wait a bit for tasting the result.

Preparing the paste with flour, butter and Eggs. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Finished paste after mixing. Picture: Florian Glechner.

In the oven. Picture: Florian Glechner.

It grew very fast and a little bit asymentric. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Finished cake still in the baking mould. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Finished cake, just a little bit too much burned but probably only 1 or 2 minutes too long, so no Problem. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Finished Cake with sugar on top. Picture: Florian Glechner.


Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Que rico cake ideal para compartir en familia y amigos.

Yes, thanks. I will invite a friend but Most of it is Mine. 😁

I'm sure the cake is very delicious
I can feel it when I see the photos you share.

Thank you, yes it is.

Oh, ich liebe Gugelhopf oder wie auch immer er/sie/es im deutschsprachigen Raum ausgesprochen wird, vor allem mit viel Rosinen. Wenn es dann noch kandierte Früchte darin hat, wie der Panettone, so ist mein Gaumenglück fast perfekt.
Nach Deinem Namen abzuleiten, gehe ich davon aus, dass Deine Muttersprache aus den deutschsprachigen Ländern stammt. Frage: "Warum schreibst Du nicht in Deiner Muttersprache"?

Stimmt ja bin aus Österreich und spreche natürlich deutsch. Ich schreibe auf Englisch weil ich dadurch ein größeres Publikum erreiche und damit mein Englisch nicht ganz einrostet, weil ich es sonst so wenig benutze.

Den Panettone mag ich nicht so gerne aber mit viel Milch dazu geht der auch.