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RE: Querencia || Fondness ✨

in Soloescribe3 months ago

Hi @wansderingmoon, it's nice to meet you through this interaction. Honored that you have dedicated time to my lyrics, especially to this prose. When I write poems I let myself be carried by the feelings that are released and with it I transit in word games, to express my emotionality I would say, that with it I generate interest and why not, aesthetics to the writing, hence it is frequent in my poems the alteration of the everyday way of words or phrases. Scholars, with expertise, call it leaning on literary figures.

Specifically, I will refer to the term "aromas", which is the concern you express to me. Disaggregating it in the context, I use it in two opportunities:

His effluvia of sweetness and tenderness, impregnated and seduced me with aromas of goodness.

Here I use the term in a sense that does not correspond to it, the aromas are linked to the olfactory, but I associate it with the human essence, good and kind (synesthesia).

Its aromas besiege my senses.

This sentence is of extensive interpretation, I refer to all that your fragrances generate in me, in a unique and special connection, stimulating my memories, particularly perceptible to my senses. Of course, as you express it, food, drinks, smells of nature, also of the shared home.

Until another time.
Happy Sunday
!Gif wellness


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