
well, for mine, it was easy for several reasons - started her with Uncle Scrooge and Scooby-doo, she was already hooked on Scooby-Doo on TV, and we all got to Science Fiction conventions, so she has grown up Fandom (she's 17). I have lost track of how many Cons she has been to (in four different States)m and I have no clue how many I have been to (couple of hundred over the years).

I’m a bit envious of the love that your daughter has for this weird world. Lol

That’s fantastic though. Yeah, cons can be a blast…especially when sharing it with loved ones. Ever make it out to SDCC or NYCC?

I haven't been to SDCC since it fit in the El Cortez hotel, which I have stories about those days (when in party rooms, talking to bonnie lassies, keep you hand on your beer...). Haven't been able to get back to it as most travel is to see either my Mom or my wife's family. However, I do have a lot of friends who go to SDCC every year, and one who is on the board for it (which might get me a cup of coffee for bragging rights, but no boost for getting in to SDCC). I have not been to the one in NYCC.

Got lucky with marriage this time around, my bonnie Bride and I met at a Klingon Assault Group meeting, but didn't hook up until years later, and, of course, the end result is a great daughter who is looking at majoring in Astrophysics. Cool kid.

Would like to hear your exploits for upcoming Cons. Always fun to see what adventures other people are having.

That’s fantastic!! Way before my days. I attended 15 straight years from 2003-2018. Even exhibited once which was cool.

Although I have done any shows now for a few years, I usually would attend SDCC, and exhibit & set up at NYCC, Mega Con Orlando, Heroes Con Charlotte, Baltimore Comic Con, and one or two others here and there when it made sense.

I haven’t been back since Covid though as it’s a ton of work and costs a boatload to do these shows. With covid, attendances took a big hit and I just don’t feel it’s all back to being what it was prior. I’m enjoying the well needed break at this point.

But yeah, I have some fun con stories as I’m sure you do as well.

I am very impressed by your dedication to comic fandom. I have only been to one SF con east of the Mississippi, and that was a science fiction con in Ohio where we had a large gathering of Klingons. We, as a family , used to hit cons on the west coast, up until about 2012, so we could kill two birds with one stone, so to speak, spend time with family at home and spend time with friends at cons. Kind of miss those days. I do want to get back to San Diego for Comic con sometime, but there are higher priorities.

Thx homie. You as well! Love that you were able to share and spread your passion to your daughter. Well if you somehow ever make it out to NYCC, lmk as I’m usually there annually.