Ithaqa Comic Update 313 - Spooky Rat Communications!


Here is a totally new page to look at, and one of the spookier ones. We see Dorothy silently communicating with a pack of Rot-infested rats that all seem to harbor an unnatural intelligence.

Some of the major edits that came down the line for issues 1, 2, and 3 when Lisa and I sat down to create the "remixed" scripts, was that I needed to expand our characterization of the bad guys, of the cult of Flickering Ascension. I needed to hint at the fact that they were once quite prosperous, but have since fallen mostly into decay. I had to address why the few remaining cultists who weren't dead or in jail decided to stay with Rupert - what power does he still have? What has he promised them?

On this page we see Dorothy pushed to breaking point, and she starts to openly weep for what she has lost and what perhaps she is about to lose.

We adapted Issue 2 into a digital play!! Watch it here:

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Theresa Chiechi's (The Artist @la-fumettista) website is here:

Lucas Gattoni's (The Letterer/Logo Designer) website is here:

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