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RE: Nerd By Northwest #209 – “Tiger Mom”

While I suspect most of his impulsiveness and hyperbole is "part of the act" (IMO he games the financial & bankruptcy system too well to be out-of-control a majority of the time), I do understand the concern and I do watch what he and every politician actually DOES (not so much what he SAYS). That said, I just don't spend much time thinking about him. Part of that is because attention is what he craves and feeds on, and the other is that I try to focus on my "circle of control" over my "circle of concern". The more mental energy we spend on ass-hats like Trump, the less we have left to improve our own lives. 🙂


There is something to be said for boring politicians who just get on with the job :) It's become another part of celebrity culture, but I do not hold to beliefs that everyone in politics is bad. Some will really care, but they have to get noticed to get anywhere. In the same way not all media is bad. It's all people and they vary a lot.