Java Jaguar 334

java334 web.png

The thrill of the hunt without the messy clean up. Everyone wins! Unless you're the whale. The whale gets to lose repeatedly now.

Speaking of whales, someone find a really rich person to bankroll Java Jaguar the Movie. I figure $15 million should be enough to produce it.

Who would you like to see as the voice of Java Jaguar? Let me know in the comments.

Java Jaguar is a webcomic based on the true story of a talking jaguar cub found in a coffee shop. Yes, I said based on the true story. Java Jaguar is produced by the nomadic cartoonist, Matt S. Law, on his mobile art studio consisting of Clip Studio Paint Pro on a Microsoft Surface Pro 4.

To read Java Jaguar from the beginning, start HERE.

Created in Clip Studio Paint Pro on a Surface Pro 4. Here is the time lapse video:


The dog is quite smart and I’m sure that it will catch them

Maybe some Hive whale will back the movie. Start begging now. It may cost more than $15m to get Ryan Reynolds to voice Java though.


Have you heard about the Angel of Death that’s not so intelligent?
The Dim Reaper?

Credit: reddit
@sidekickmatt, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of steevc


All those whale steaks… sigh

If only we had a lion that was really smart that could have told Java of the folly of his plan…