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Does the "End Zone" require a puppy, a school bus full of kids and an airplane?

Is that a Scooby Doo reference?

It is a cartoon made by some guy decades ago. Shown at the Comic-con.

Where "batman" (old and feeble) and his sidekick "robin" (middle aged guy) try to stop a purse snatching, and are getting beaten up... and "superman" (never ageing) shows up and saves them.

Superman says, "Don't go beating up on ageing superheros"
The bad guys comment as he flies away is "Isn't he great"
batman grinds his teeth

So batman thinks up a plot to get rid of superman

A puppy is in the road, superman flies in to save the puppy
Which causes the bus full of children to veer off a cliff.
So superman throws the puppy up in the air and flies to save the bus...

... throws the bus up into the air to save the plane...
... drops plane to save the puppy...
and they all come crashing down

So, superman, dejected decides that he should die,
so batman gets all the worlds weapons in a big pile
and blows them up with superman at the center, destroying the planet, unfortunately, superman is unaffected.
So, superman, still dejected says "aahhh shnookums", and flies off to another planet 'zoooooom', where he repeats the process.

Nice! Thanks for that. !BEER

Hey @builderofcastles, here is a little bit of BEER from @sidekickmatt for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Spiderman was always a great hero for taunts.

My fav issue had him smack talking Electro to lure him into a trap. I am pretty sure the taunt was

"big talk from a man who's biggest fear is a bucket of water"

but Superi-clown is really good also :)

Mine was from an Ultimate Spider-Man from the second time he met Kingpin. He actually took out a bunch of note cards and began reading off fat jokes.

spider-taunt kingpin.jpg

That is so good!

I am absolutely loving the banter. Indeed, a lot of people do hate clowns. That said, I pity the person who gets in the way of that incoming super-speed-retch. Ew. 😂

Superior Man's vomit has been clocked at Mach 6

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