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RE: Comic book cover art, old school vs new school and when it changed

in COMIC BOOKS fan/pro2 years ago

The whole collecting of art seems to be crazy now as people with serious money will pay a lot to get it. I threw away so many comics as a kid that might be worth something, like the old Star Wars series in the 70s. I get what you're saying about generic art. Do people even care that much about the stories? I think we have lost touch with some of the old simple pleasures.

Have you see the stuff @felixicarus000 is posting? Some amazing work there.


"do people still care about stories" ...THAT is a question that could take up a whole other blog. I'd say it yes, of course...but are people getting comic books for stories might be the question at hand. Or do publishers care about stories. A major problem with comics is they have lost their way in understanding just wtf they are trying to do, what their place in the pop culture is/should's...a mess. I looked at @felixicarus000 on your recommendation, AMAZING WORK!