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RE: Nerd By Northwest #196 – “There’s Always One…”

in COMIC BOOKS fan/pro4 years ago

When a guy's gotta go...

We tend to need rules because people are dumb. UK government says people should use 'common sense' regarding coronavirus, but then their own friends and families break the rules, so what are we to think? Do as I say...


I'm more of the mind that rules are most helpful as a guideline that a group of people of roughly similar mind and attitude can use to establish a common understanding with each other, not just some thing dictated by a politician or bureaucrat. Yes some people are dumb, but many (or most?) are that way because they've been led into a pattern of thinking where they seldom needed to take serious responsibility and grow as a person. Responsibility and personal freedom go hand in hand, and at some point people have to learn some things from experience and the school of hard knocks.

The problem is, some people in charge use the people's "stupidity" as an excuse to push forth more laws and more restrictions. The trap in that line of thinking is that if we push too much in that direction, the majority of people become nothing more than overgrown children, always relying on someone else to tell them what to do and think. I won't claim to know exactly where that balance should be, but I'm pretty sure the difficulties many people have in following 'common sense' is due to those same people not used to taking personal responsibility in their lives and always delegating that responsibility to the government and so-called 'leaders'. The latter may actually have good intentions, but good intentions or not those average people who they influence to 'follow our direction and the rest of the herd' won't ever take charge of their lives and accept personal responsibility will remain overgrown children. Perhaps we'll have to endure some pain in order for some people to smarten up. I don't WANT it to be that way, but the universe never seems to ask me "what I want"... 😏

Taking responsibility is vital. We are generally so spoilt these days. This is why people feel that what happens to their waste is not their problem, and the same goes for impact on other people around the world. We have to give a shit.