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RE: Nerd By Northwest #223 – “Smear Campaign”

in COMIC BOOKS fan/pro4 years ago

As I said, they have a lot in common and preference will tend to rely on where they actually differ. I make no secret of my distaste for Trump. He's just the wrong person to have that power, but most of his party will tolerate him to retain that power. He's been gaslighting the country from the start and some will buy that. Some will say he has comedy value. That's fine for class president, but not for the person with the nuclear button.

A benevolent dictator may be the best system, but it's a lot of responsibility that few could handle. I think a few people would like to make a fresh start on another planet, but there's a few challenges to achieving that.


You won't get any disagreement from me there! But what I like to emphasize isn't so much that Trump sucks (though he certainly does), but rather I like to illustrate the kind of lazy, partisan thinking and decision-making that leads to such clowns getting elected and making people hate each other over relative trivialities. Like you say, most of us actually have a lot more in common than we think, and things won't get better until more realize this and change their mindset.

I enjoy the way you parody it. We have a problem that people do not trust politicians and the latter have contributed to this situation. Politics matters and people should feel engaged with it. Seeing a millionaire give important jobs to his family did not help. Not saying the other side is perfect. We saw how Hillary alienated people.

I do believe that some politicians actually care about their constituents and also that many journalists care about exposing corruption. It was good to see the 60 Minutes presenter call Trump out on his gaslighting the public about 'fake news'. It suits him for people to distrust the press, except for those parts who support him of course.

In the end it's all about people, with all their imperfections. Such is the stuff of politics and comedy :)


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