All in Good Fun😂

in FISHING!3 months ago

The boy is a good sport, really. @b34w0lf. I think being away for so long, up in New York, and missing the first years of his little sisters' lives, put a loving scourge on his heart to be a good big brother. He doesn't complain about taking the girls fishing with us and does his best to help teach them. Even when they (@khaldeesi) out-fish both of us!


Those pictures were taken on my birthday this year and made me a happy father. The day before, on Easter, he joined in in a new family tradition that @lunamoon came up with last year. The adult egg hunt. Her idea, is to have it be a challenge and fun type bit. They write little deals on some paper and stuff it in some eggs for us to find, not knowing what is inside.


As you can see, I got some that were mild, like drink ketchup or ranch from the bottle and since I like sour things, drinking the lemon juice was a walk in the park. The wet willy though, that was raw. But, the worst one I got, was an egg filled with pepper that exploded when I opened it! Talk about sneezes. Funniest one though, was what Woof Woof had to do.


Who's the prettiest princess! 🤣 Yup, he had to get a princess makeover. Man, we were laughing pretty good on that one, but I liked it that he was a good sport about it and thoughtful enough to not cop out on their feelings. They put some effort into that hunt this year. Anyhooz, have a good weekend and REMEMBER TO BE YOU! I always am, pepper sprayed and all.

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Dam he’s a good sport about it…… you did get off easy. Wet Willy’s do suck.

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I had the option to give one, but had no idea what else was in those eggs, so opted to not make myself a target !LOLZ !PIMP !PIZZA

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Look Out Nashville!!!

Lmao right? Laney Wilson got some competition !LOLZ !PIMP

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How many egomaniacs does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One, they hold the bulb while the world revolves around them.

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Princess are always beautiful!! Their genre doesn’t matter. 😁

Ya, they are such cuties !LUV !PIMP

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Man you come with nothing but the pimpinest shit and all the wholesome family moments! That is one pretty princess for sure and I love the new spin on fun old traditions like the egg hunt.

Happy and creative people right there old friend. Pimp Daddy win.

Figure it will be more brutal next year and she may even want me to take her shopping for pranks and props !LOLZ !PIMP !WINE

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How many egomaniacs does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One, they hold the bulb while the world revolves around them.

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‘Twas a good time being a princess😂🫡 cracked me up that’s for sure😅

🤣 sounds like the girls will be in for some extreme dares next year 😂

Definitely a great tradition!

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