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RE: How my life has changed working for the refugees...

in Team Ukraine2 years ago

I admire your will to help out with the refugees, but I've been in that industry for 20 years and you are facing the dark side of this job.

For 20 years I had no weekends, holidays, often no vacation at all. I always worked nights. It is mentally and physically challenging and I left the industry due to what you described.

Poor pay, constant understaffing, long hours, no appreciation for the job.

I didn't want to be part of a system anymore that exploit people in the way they do. It took a toll on me, my social life and my future.

People don't see the stress behind working in a bar, restaurant, hotel etc. and what it does to you as a person.

Is your hotel room correlated to you working there? What if you would find another job and quit the f&b? Could you stay there?

Hugz to the both of you 🤗


I admire your will to help out with the refugees, but I've been in that industry for 20 years and you are facing the dark side of this job.

Yes, because instead of working behind the curtain, I thought to work on the front line and now I regret it... I never shared any photos of my work life because I feel like it's not a good idea to show them due to security reasons. The challenging part is dealing with people from different cultures and countries, especially when they start living under the same roof. I don't think it's a good idea but due to the housing problems in NL, this was the best choice.

For 20 years I had no weekends, holidays, often no vacation at all. I always worked nights. It is mentally and physically challenging and I left the industry due to what you described.

Then you definitely know the dark parts. I don't have anything for the refugees, I understand their pain but I also need to work. The unfortunate fact is, no respect.

Is your hotel room correlated to you working there? What if you would find another job and quit the f&b? Could you stay there?

Yes, it's related...

What if you would find another job and quit the f&b? Could you stay there?

I can but there are some terms and conditions :(