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RE: 269 day of the full-scale invasion of russia. Civilian casualties, who is really killing everyone?

in Team Ukraine2 years ago

So you say that before the invasion by Russia, Ukrainians were killing people, and now the Russians kill more? Terrible!
There are no winners in wars, but it is hard not to see some cause and effect in play.


Did you read the post carefully?
russia invaded Ukraine back in 2014. And all this time they said that we are killing thousands of people in the temporarily occupied territories of Luhansk and Donetsk regions.
At the same time, the occupation authorities officially reported 7 deaths last year, i.e. 2021 (we still need to figure out who it is), and in 2022 only in Odesa (the city where I now live), 12 people were killed by russian shelling. It's in ONE city. I am already silent about all the other cities of Ukraine where people died because of it. And this is a lot of cities and a lot of victims. Or the attack on the shopping centre in Vinnytsia in July, where 27 people died and 202 were injured. I can provide many such facts, and also tell you about the city of Bucha, Gostomel. About the torture chambers and mass graves of the recently liberated Kherson. And many other cities.
If you don't believe that the russians shelled the occupied territories and killed local residents, you can read about the Malaysian Boeing, where after an investigation they admitted that it was the fault of the russians. And these are 298 innocent people from other countries, most of whom are children. And you can find a video of the russian military looting everything that survived that plane. It was officially recognized that Russia is responsible for this terrorist attack and is guilty of it.
Therefore, it was not Ukrainians who killed Ukrainians here. I have confirmation from close friends about where the rockets were flying at civilian objects, and I myself have witnessed something similar

I was not aware that Russia invaded Donetsk in 2014, just that Ukraine stronghandedly defended it against the seperatist movement. So I simply misunderstood your analysis.