Coloridos detalles de mi ciudad | Colourful details of my city.

in Photographers3 months ago

Hola muchachos, como siempre es un placer saludarlos y compartir contenido con ustedes a través de la plataforma de #INLEO, hoy les muestro una selección de detalles fotográficos realizados en un parque cerca de mi casa, en muchas ocasiones he venido a este parque a traer a mi hijo menor para que juegue y monte bicicletas mientras tanto yo me entretengo probando mi cámara y aprendiendo su manejo, fotografiar la naturaleza siempre me ha gustado, enfocarme en sus detalles y detectar con mi cámara los diminutos rasgos que la caracterizan es mi joby, mis deseos es que les guste las fotos que les comparto hoy, saludos a todos, gracias por leer y bendiciones.

English version.png

Hello guys, as always it is a pleasure to greet you and share content with you through the #INLEO platform, today I show you a selection of photographic details taken in a park near my house, many times I have come to this park to bring my younger son to play and ride bikes while I entertain myself trying out my camera and learning its operation, photographing nature has always pleased me focusing on its details and capturing with my camera the tiny features that characterize it is my job, my wish is that you like the photos that I share with you today, greetings to everyone, thank you for reading and blessings.

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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Beautiful photos, you really tried. Keep it up.

Nice details. Suggestion. Maybe add a tittle and a little bit of text in the top, just a small introduction! :D I think people would like that. So they know what they are about to start scrolling and see. :D