Appreciating our mothers

in Motherhoodlast year

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Mother's day for most people is the day that everyone remembers/acknowledges and appreciates mothers. Some make a post about their mother and never post again of her until the next mother's day. I feel that some of us appreciate the comments others make on such posts about our mothers more than we appreciate the person to whom the post was made for.

Even some do not know what their mother presently looks like because they have been away and disconnected from her since they left for school, other countries, work, missions and also fighting at war. This year some posted the same picture of their mum that was posted last year (I don't think that I can pardon this even if she's late)

What it means to be a mother

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In case we have alien life forms reading this, I need to mention that only a woman can be a mother (sorry guys). Would you joyfully refer to your mother as a mum if she abandoned you at the point of birth? I will answer yes for those whose mum died giving birth to them- my heart goes to you all. Passing on at the birth of child is not the same as passing the child as a baton (and probably zooming off to Borneo). Well, those who zoomed off to Borneo after child birth should be on the next flight back home as the baby would be crying. Fact is that you just need to get pregnant and you are on way to being called "mother"- it’s that simple but not that easy.

You will need to bear the child for nine months (including the extra hours children refuse to obey eviction notice in the womb) and give birth to the child in such agonizing pain. I seriously think mothers should be awarded for each pregnancy borne until delivery. It was reported once that a man passed out when he was allowed into the labor room to witness his wife in labor. I am amazed at how some women are mothers of six when bearing one child is truly hard enough to be remarked as monumental. Mothers of a dozens are the real "wonder women". I am not surprised that even at this moment, many are delightfully making babies.

What it means to remain a mother

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A mother is very sensitive to the emotional needs and deficiencies of a home. Take away a mom from the life of a child (I didn't plan to use myself in this instance) and we could very well have an emotionally inept individual. In a home, dads are the fun and moms are the love. The continuity of the motherly role for some is an enslaving burden too hard to bear considering that the bathing, guiding, assisting, grooming, caring, teaching, supporting, encouraging and the shouting, spanking, grounding (including the rest not mentioned) never ends. Doing these once doesn't seem too hard until you realize that you have to continuously repeat the aforementioned. Becoming a mum and staying a mum are not same and neither is easy.

The responsibility of the mother to the child after birth can not only be borne by the biological mother but also by an older sister, an aunt, grandma, school teacher, neighbor or some family friend who chooses to play this duty continuously. Sometimes, circumstances can make one a mother especially to a child who is of another. The continuity of the motherly responsibilities and not just the commencement of it qualifies a mother.

How we should appreciate them

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It is fine to make a post about her once in a year but it is not fair to acknowledge and appreciate her only at that time of the year. Parenting does not take a break and most good mothers never do. Even when the kids are away somewhere else on holidays you would notice that she will soon begin to worry about them within a few hours. If your biological mum is alive, tell her that you love her and that you appreciate her gestures of love to you. Love needs to be reciprocated and not just communicated. This assurance and gesture should also be extended to those who have been mothers to us even though that they did not give birth to us. It is right that we still plant seeds of love in the hearts of even the negligent mothers too. They probably did not know any better. If we lived by a "tooth for a tooth", you are pretty sure we would all be deprived of enjoying good meat. Doing so is being responsible and grateful. It is honorable and noble for mothers to deliver children to the earth and nurture them.

Thanks to all the mum

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To the mum we knew at birth,
And the mum who slept next us to us in bed,
To the mum who made our bread,
And the mum who watched for our first steps,
Thank you.

To the mum who counselled,
And in our studies assisted,
For the insight that they provided,
And in the tasks that they helped,
Thank you.

To the mum who never slept,
When we were far away disconnected,
They reached out to all family and friends,
Just to be sure that we are well,
Thank you.

To all the mothers out there,
Showing so much love and care,
often very worried and stressed,
Making sure that our world stays blessed.

Thank you for reading!!!


Mothers are indeed blessings to us. They play a great role in giving us a home for life to dwell, from the very beginning of our existence. Even after birth, they still play a huge role to nurture and train their children. Indeed, being a mother doesn't stop at bringing forth a child into the world, but it also extends to the point of accompanying them in this life long journey. Yes, they worth every form of appreciation. God bless our moms. You've also written a lovely poem as well. Also, I'd love to see you on leothreads: It is like Twitter on Hive and I'm sure you'd have fun sharing #motherhood experiences and other interests with us.

Thank you sir... I'll be sure to check it as suggested. Best regards

You're welcome.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.