A quick visit at the city with my son

in Motherhood29 days ago

Greetings, everyone! I'd like to inquire about the weather in your respective locations. In the Philippines, summer is still in full swing, and the weather is scorching hot. However, due to low pressure, we have been experiencing intermittent rainy days.

Pictures were taken last May 05, 2024, I got the chance to take pictures outside and inside the First Vita Plus Bohol Satellite Center
Pictures taken last May 05, waiting for our order in Jollibee

I'd like to share our brief city trip with my son. We've been making this a monthly event. May 05 was the last time we visited the city. The primary purpose of our city trip was to purchase the First Vita Plus for my son. As each box of Vita Plus solely contains 20 sachets, we were prompted to make another purchase before the month's end to ensure a continuous supply. Because my son finished the Vita Plus 20 days ago, I had to buy it again sooner than anticipated. My son normally consumes one sachet of Vita Plus per day. However, when he became sick, had an asthma attack, and developed a fever a day after our city visit, I had to increase his consumption to twice a day.
The other day, my father-in-law became ill with a fever. Concerned for his well-being, I suggested offering him a sachet of Vita Plus to alleviate his symptoms. Fortunately, the Vita Plus proved effective in reducing the fever, as my father-in-law's condition improved after consuming the first sachet.
Then yesterday, hubby had to travel bound to Ubay(a town here in Bohol) with the agriculture department to plant some bananas.

He then inquired if he could have a sachet of the Vita Plus drink. I allowed him to consume it, considering that it would be beneficial for him, as he would be working outdoors under the sun. The weather the previous day was not ideal, with rain in the morning and even in the afternoon.
As the clock struck 10 am, we arrived at the city, coinciding precisely with the opening time of the First Vita Plus satellite office.

After purchasing the product we needed, we made our way to Plaza Marcela. Since I was accompanied by my son, we decided to visit Jollibee. I treated him to a burger and fries, while I opted for the Jollibee burger steak. Although it was a bit early for my lunch, I joined my son in enjoying his meal.

Following our noontime meal, we made our way to the grocery store to purchase the necessary items.
Upon completing our grocery shopping, we made our way to the bus station where we patiently awaited the departure of the bus scheduled to leave at approximately 11 am.

It's noon, and I'm back at work, tending to my side hustles and striving to stay active and productive. My goal is to save up again for another purchase of The First Plus. I'm thrilled to share that on my third purchase of a box of The First Vita Plus Dalandan Gold, I received a discount. The original price was 955 pesos, but I was fortunate enough to get the discounted price of 716.25 pesos. Saving around 238.75 pesos is a significant amount for me, and it represents a substantial financial accomplishment.

I face constant financial struggles to provide for my asthmatic son's Vita Plus. The daily cost of his Vita Plus, adds a significant burden to our household expenses. Fortunately, I have managed to save some money from my side hustles, which gives me a financial cushion when I fall short of the necessary funds.

And with that, we conclude today's blog. I sincerely hope you found it enriching and engaging. Thank you for dedicating your time to reading it. May blessings be bestowed upon us all.

All photos used in this article are copyrighted by me ©, unless otherwise stated. Please do not copy them without my permission. Published: 05/25/2024 2:48 pm (GMT)


That's sad to hear, often times I would say, di bale sakto lng income, Basta healthy lng. Yet, hoping your son will recover soon from his asthma .

More side hustle

Di na mawawala yung hika niya sis. Di ko Alam anong term sa tagalog yung Piang. Nati trigger din kasi Yung hika niya kasi smoker yung asawa ko

Manually curated by scroogergotchiheroes.com from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Wow thank you so much for the support

jeje que lindo, se ve que lo disfruto!

hehe how cute, I can tell you enjoy it!

Thank you so much

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Wow another achievement unlocked. Thank you

You're welcome @bigeyes2012. Looking forward to you reaching your new target 😅

He looks so happy!