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RE: My newborn Starved for 2days after Birth

in Motherhood3 years ago

That's sad that you and the baby had to go through that. Usually, I could see the evidence of milk in my babies' mouths after breastfeeding. I'm glad it all turned out alright, but I get the stress! I have 5 kiddos!


Thanks a lot. 5 kiddo? Wow you are a super human.

I am good with one for now. Lol

Yes I am! Lol God bless!

I followed you here on hive and discovered you are a youtuber as well. I enjoyed your videos especially your the one by your baby girl on how to make a toast.

I am a new youtuber. My account is FaithOnDemand. Lets connect!

Thank you! I'll take a look. She is too darn cute!

Yes she is. Thank you for being my +1subscriber on YouTube.

I appreciate your comment too.