My father is in heaven, but his memories are in his heart.

in Motherhood3 years ago (edited)

Yesterday was Father's Day, it is a special moment when we bring our gifts to Dad, or we get into his bed with joy to congratulate him. Yesterday I did not feel ready to make this post because these days I get his memories but with a feeling and tears in my eyes because he is no longer with me for three years. The loss of a father is strong, but the most beautiful thing is that he carries each of your memories in your heart.

My father with my daughter.

My father was Cecilio Alfonso Muñoz, the same name as his grandfather and like my younger brother, he was a person who liked to share his knowledge with other people, he was very familiar always liked to share meetings, his favorite game was to play dominoes. He married my mother in 1982, they had four daughters, the two oldest my sister and I, then came my two brothers. My father also had his strong character but who is not going to have a strong character to have a naughty girl like me, I know that when we are children we see those scoldings and calls of attention as something bad, unfair, painful, But when we grow up and more when we have our children we do not see reflected in our parents that each of his scoldings and teachings was for the good of us is as I have read many stories "The Baddest Mother" or "The Baddest Father" I have a three year old girl who is my greatest blessing and I know that life as a father is not easy but a wonderful experience and there is no manual that will answer all your questions.

My father with my mother

My father after he lost his job as a chemical laboratorian, he and my mother took care of us by being merchants, they both made cakes, cakes, ice cream that they sold from their home, then time went by and my father started selling hamburgers, it was one of the best hamburgers in my town. Although he never had large amounts of money we never lacked food or clothes, but he did have great wealth in having a wonderful wife who loves him, and his four children that he did not take care of and each one today with a profession, and great people he said he was the richest man to have us.

My father when we traveled

One of the things that my father liked to do was to go for walks many times we went to visit relatives in other states, we spent weeks enjoying the different weeks, another thing was to take us to the movies, I remember that the first movie we saw at the cinema was the Lion King, each of these memories I carry in my heart, I remember it with affection and appreciation.