Let's recognize and be help for children with ADHD|| Reconozcamos y seamos ayuda para los niños con tdah

in Motherhood3 years ago

Hello dear moms!


Today I would like to draw your attention to a topic about a very special topic for many of us. Having a child with autism, adhd, add or any other condition is a fact that has become, as time passes, a common factor in families around the world.
Many times, unfortunately for many of them, the people who are around them, due to the same pressure in which we live, due to lack of time, lack of patience or lack of heart, do not give them the treatment that they not only they deserve as a person, but they also need to be able to live in their environment in peace.

Today I bring you a list of "peculiarities" that I have been able to compile in the time that I have been wandering around this small great world and that I believe could serve to recognize acting accordingly so that we help you understand what surrounds you in a better way.

Hola queridas mamis!
Hoy quisiera llamar su atención acerca de un tema para muchas de nosotros, muy especial. Tener un niño con autismo, tdah, tda o cualquier otra condición es un hecho que se ha vuelto, en la medida que pasa el tiempo, un factor común en las familias alrededor del mundo.
Muchas veces, infortunadamente para muchos de ellos, las personas que están a su alrededor, por la misma presión en la que vivmos, por falta de tiempo, por falta de paciencia o por falta de corazón no les dan el trato que ellos no sólo se merecen como personas, sino que también necesitan, para poder hacer vida en su entorno en paz.
Les traigo hoy una lista de "particularidades"que he podido recopilar en el tiempo que tengo dando vueltas por este pequeño gran mundo y que creo podrían servir para reconocer y actuar en consecuencia de manera que les ayudemos a entender lo que les rodea de una mejor manera.

  1. They have an active mind, which is why it seems that they want to do everything and rarely finish what they start in one go.

  2. Due to their hyper-activity, they often listen but do not absorb everything that is said to them and it is difficult for them to concentrate on a task

  3. They become anxious very easily.

  4. The worst time to teach them new learning or want their attention is when they are agitated or emotional. We need to relax them first and foremost.

  5. They also have the peculiarity of concentrating very intensely. Hey, but first you tell me that it costs them and now that they do it intensely! Yes, when there is something that they like and it captures their attention, they concentrate in such a way that it is difficult to get them out of there.

  6. Their ability to regulate their emotions is very limited, consequently they have verbal outbursts and are anxious.

  1. Tienen una mente activa razón por la cual pareciera que quieren hacer todo y pocas veces terminan lo que empiezan de una sola vez.
  2. Por el hecho de su hiperctividad muchas veces escuchan pero no absorben todo lo que se les dice y se les dificulta concentrase en una tarea
  3. Se tornan ansiosos con mucha facilidad.
  4. El peor momento para enseñarles algún nuevo aprendizaje o querramos su atención es cuando están agitados o emocionales. Necesitamos relajarlos ante todo.
  5. También tienen la particularidad de concentrarse muy intensamente. Oye, pero primero me dices que les cuesta y ahora que lo hacen intensamente! Si, cuando hay algo que les gusta y capta su atención se concentran de tal forma que es difícil sacarlos de alli.
  6. Su capacidad para regular sus emociones es muy limitada en consecuencia tienen arrebatos verbales y se muestran ansiosos.

7.-They are deeply intuitive. Their creativity is extensive, simply because they think outside of the traditional options.

8.- They are physically sensitive

9.- They may seem disorganized but as I usually say: - "They have their order within their disorder"

10.- They avoid homework and it is at the same time a daunting task for the teacher to make them remember simple tasks.

11.- They are passionate about everything they do and they love (like every child) to be recognized and show them that you are proud of them.

Well dear friends, thank you for walking with me here. Remember that many times, when they do not understand something or do not know how to explain what they feel, they react with "tantrums". That does not mean at all that they are being spoiled or rude. It is rather a sign of impotence. Let's help them understand what is happening to them and that there are ways to solve what is happening to them or, if it cannot be solved, nothing happens.

Have a GREAT Week !!

7.Son profundamente intuitivos. Su creatividad es extensa, simplemte porque piensan fuera de las opciones tradicionalaes
8.Son físicamente sensibles
9.Pueden parecer desorganizados pero como suelo decir : -"Ellos tienen su orden dentro de su desorden"
10.Evitan las tareas y al mismo tiempo, es una tarea titánica para el maestro hacer que recuerden tareas simples.
11.Se apasionan por todo lo que hacen y les encanta (al igual que todo niño) ser reconocidos y les demuestres que estás orgullos@ de ellos.
Bueno queridos amigos, gracias por caminar conmigo hasta acá. Recordemos que muchas veces, cuando ellos no entienden algo o no saben explicar lo que sienten, reaccionan con "pataletas". Eso para nada quiere decir que estan siendo malciados o groseros. Es mas bien una muestra de impotencia. Ayudemosles a entender lo que les pasa y que hay maneras de resolver lo que les pasa o, que sino se puede resolver, no pasa nada.

Ten un a semana genial


The image is my property (Family album)

La imágen es de mi propiedad (álbum familiar)


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Who going to suffer is the parents. believe me, I lived this and I realize that very well...
Everyone knows how to deal with a child had ADHD or autism but no one cares about a mother who has this child.
She also needs special help from others.
And more importantly, why don't we fight the causes of autism & ADHD so until we reduce the number of families living in hell because of this diabolical disease...
Thank you @esthersanchez for sharing this sensitive topic.
I appreciate it from you.

Hello @yagoub!
Good that it caught your attention. It really is somewhat disturbing and we also need to be aware of it. I appreciate that you have taken your time to read me and comment.
In the next post I will be talking about how to attack this disease according to the symptoms or characteristics that people present within the spectrum. There is still a light at the end of the tunnel.
A big hug!

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by @blessed-girl


Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

Muchísimas Gracias Amigos!!