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RE: Interrupted Sleep

in Motherhood3 years ago

Before I had my son three month ago I was a light sleeper, I barely sleep, hubby always say it was my body training me for the babies arrival, nighttime would be easy for me.

Now the baby is here I wish I slept all through the pregnancy and even before then, it feels like I had always lived a sleepless life. Now I want my sleep so badly.

I didn’t mind though because making sure my babies were safe and well were what mattered most to me

I am at that phase too, staying strong for my baby and making sure he is safe


First let me say congratulations on your new baby! 😊🤗

I know exactly what you’re going through. When I was told to get my rest I was too excited and more focused on deep cleaning and organizing for baby’s arrival. I too wished I had slept way more before they arrived.

Are you able to take any type of nap during the day, like when your son is sleeping? I’m telling you napping is what got me through those stages. Even a 20 minute nap had me saying

Thank you Jesus!! 🙌🏽

Stay strong and hang in there. Our babies need our sacrifice, they are so worth the struggle. Also, those baby stages go by so fast. It wasn’t long before I was wishing they were little again (that was back then,
I’m totally okay with them growing up now at this point 😅😂).

Thanks for stopping by to read and comment. I’ll be heading over to your blog soon to read about your pregnancy post I saw ~ 😉