Letter to Mom, if I were given a choice, I would choose you again.

in Motherhood8 months ago

Querida mamá, hoy desperté con deseos de sentirme nuevamente protegida y querida entre tus brazos, acudí a tu cuarto y solo los recuerdos están allí.

Dear Mom, today I woke up with the desire to feel protected and loved in your arms again, I went to your room and only memories are there.


Me senté en tu cama donde tantas veces sonreímos juntas cuando me relatabas de tus aventuras de tu infancia y adolescencia, al cerrar los ojos me imagine verte nuevamente cantando tus rancheras favoritas y no pude contener el deseo y canté yo también con la única diferencia que solo escuchaba mi voz.

No logré contener la lágrima que rodó por mi mejilla, llena de la dulzura de tu amor, una leve sonrisa se dibujó en mi rostro al recordar cómo me corregías las letras de las canciones.

I sat on your bed where so many times we smiled together when you told me about your adventures of your childhood and adolescence, when I closed my eyes I imagined seeing you again singing your favorite rancheras and I could not contain the desire and I sang too with the only difference that I only heard my voice.

I could not contain the tear that rolled down my cheek, full of the sweetness of your love, a slight smile was drawn on my face remembering how you corrected me the lyrics of the songs.


Más no puedo evitar sentir la nostalgia de tu adiós, la ausencia que dejaste en mi vida nunca la podré llenar, entre recuerdos y lágrimas una reflexión vino a mi mente:
Me imagino volver a empezar estar nuevamente por primera bajo la protección de tus brazos, fuiste la mujer más bella y noble que pude conocer, llena de virtudes y errores, pero quien tiene un manual para ser madre, tú hiciste todo cuanto pudiste por hacer de nuestra vida lo mejor posible y nos diste lo mejor de ti.

But I can't help but feel the nostalgia of your goodbye, the absence you left in my life I will never be able to fill, between memories and tears a reflection came to my mind:
I can imagine starting over to be again for the first time under the protection of your arms, you were the most beautiful and noble woman I could know, full of virtues and mistakes, but who has a manual to be a mother, you did everything you could to make our life the best possible and you gave us the best of you.

Recuerdo aquel primer día de escuela, cuando luchaste hasta más no poder para quitarme las botas y me colocara los zapatos colegiales, cuantas semanas te tomó lograr que cambiara mis botas por aquellos zapatos, con mucha paciencia y amor me lograste persuadir, y al recordar tu cara de felicidad siento vergüenza por lo mucho que te sufrir.

I remember that first day of school, when you fought until you could not take off my boots and put on my school shoes, how many weeks it took you to get me to change my boots for those shoes, with a lot of patience and love you managed to persuade me, and remembering your happy face I feel ashamed for how much I suffered you.


A medida que fue creciendo, vi con dolor como buscabas disfrazar tus tristezas con sonrisas y nunca te dije nada, solo te abrazaba y te daba un beso en la mejilla, hoy me preguntó ¿qué o quién te causó tanta tristeza? y ¿qué más pude haber hecho para borrar esa tristeza de tu rostro?

Cada día me esforzaba por ser lo mejor posible para que estuvieras orgullosa de mí y me regalaras una sonrisa, así lograba por un breve momento borrar la tristeza que te acompañaba siempre.

As you grew up, I saw with pain how you tried to disguise your sadness with smiles and I never said anything to you, I only hugged you and gave you a kiss on the cheek, today I wonder what or who caused you so much sadness, and what else could I have done to erase that sadness from your face?

Every day I tried to do my best to make you proud of me and give me a smile, so I could erase for a brief moment the sadness that always accompanied you.

Fuiste mi mejor amiga y compañera, tus regaños eran para mí como látigos que llegaban directo al corazón y no sabes cuántas veces pedía perdón a Dios por errar y hacerte enojar, te pido perdón por causante esas tristezas.

Nuevamente cierro mis ojos y busco revivir mi último cumpleaños a tu lado, de haber sabido que esos eran tus últimos meses a mi lado, hubiera aprovechado para plasmar cada uno de aquellos momentos en fotografías y de grabar videos juntas cantando tus rancheras favoritas y así tener hoy donde escuchar tu voz y no simplemente imaginármela.

You were my best friend and companion, your scoldings were for me like whips that went straight to my heart and you don't know how many times I asked God for forgiveness for making mistakes and making you angry, I ask for your forgiveness for causing those sadnesses.

Again I close my eyes and try to relive my last birthday by your side, if I had known that those were your last months by my side, I would have taken the opportunity to capture each one of those moments in photographs and to record videos together singing your favorite rancheras, so that today I have a place to listen to your voice and not just imagine it.

Madre amada, gracias por ser quien eras, si me dieran la oportunidad de escoger quien sería mi madre, te escogería a ti nuevamente, porque gracias a cada experiencia vivida a tu lado soy quien soy hoy, ser tu hija ha sido , es y será un honor para mí, ”te amaré por la eternidad mamá”

Beloved mother, thank you for being who you were, if I were given the opportunity to choose who would be my mother, I would choose you again, because thanks to every experience lived by your side I am who I am today, being your daughter has been, is and will be an honor for me, "I will love you for eternity mom ".

Contenido original.
Fotografías de mi álbum personal, editadas en PowerPoint con sus elementos disponibles gratuitamente.
Cada foto adicional cuenta con su respectiva fuente, fueron tomadas de Pixabay y Pexels en su versión gratuita.
Los banner fueron realizados en PowerPoint.
La traducción fue a través de www.DeepL.com,Translator (versión gratuita).

Original content.
Photographs from my personal album, edited in PowerPoint with their freely available elements.
Each additional photo has its respective source, they were taken from Pixabay and Pexels in their free version.
The banners were made in PowerPoint.
The translation was done through www.DeepL.com,Translator (free version).


Muy conmovedor, no pude contener las lagrimas

Gracias por leer y compartir tus sentimientos, han pasado ya más de dos años de su partida pero su ausencia se siente en cada rincón de mi vida.
Que tengas un feliz día

Mum has gone, but will ever remain in your memory. I'm proud of you that you are proud of your mum. I will reblog your post for this. Let everything you remembered about her keep you on track. One thing is realizing our mistakes and another is accepting and taking responsibilities for them. We all have our shortcomings. Your post makes me feel like seeing her come alive just for 10 minutes in your bossom. However, you can think of the good times you had together. The laughter, the joy you shared. I'm sure it would bring you that fulfillment. Life goes on. Just be positive about what's ahead. We all have our stories. One love.

Thank you very much for your beautiful words, it is certainly so; it is easy to err but to recognize and amend them is the hard way, my mom was a warrior who radiates light and love on her way and so I remember her, being with her until her last breath comforts me to know that she was not alone at the time of leaving this world, again thank you for reading, commenting and reblogging, A thousand blessings to you.

One love in million folds.