Did you know that babies can hear (inside) and outside the womb, and the uterus is very noisy

in Motherhood3 years ago

Hello my fellow women and mothers, A very good afternoon to you all. I thought of sharing this my first post on this platform with you and i hope you learn more about pregnancy, babies and motherhood.

Most of the ear structures required to pick up sound are formed by week 16. From then on, a mum's heartbeat, eating, breathing, walking, talking, exercising, burping, and digestive gurgling can easily be heard by a developing baby.

This may help explain why babies find noise so comforting. There's also some evidence to suggest babies learn to recognize and react to mum's voice while inside the womb.

Babies can taste and smell the food mum eats in the womb Flavour molecules from food that a mum eats pass from her blood, through the placenta, and into a baby's amniotic fluid.

And since taste buds start to develop around week 11 (right as the mouth opens up), a baby can taste whatever mum eats from then on — though a sense of taste is stronger around weeks 28 and 29, when taste buds are fully mature.

Babies also snort up amniotic fluid, and it's thought they can smell food,

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