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RE: Hay que Fortalecer la Confianza entre Padres e Hijos [ESP/ENG]

in Motherhood2 years ago

It is very important to gain the children's trust, so they can share their problems, their feelings, and also be their friends. although when they are teenagers they will always have some rebelliousness, but it is natural, it is part of growing up and when they become adults, there are things they will not tell us and we must respect that. The important thing is to gain that confidence in their growth and formation.

The enema thing reminded me of my daughters when they were little, it was quite a feat to have to give them an enema, they cried a lot, I had to calmly explain to them that it was necessary so they could evacuate and not get sicker, etc, until I finally managed to give them the enema.

 2 years ago  

I value your comment very much and I support 100 percent what you write, it's like that. In my case my parents had like a wall where everything was taboo. I was afraid to ask questions. I decided to break with that pattern of upbringing different from mine.

Oh yes, the experience of having an enema is not at all pleasant, but as you say it is to make it easier for him to evacuate. My son sometimes has a hard time with it. The best thing was that going to the bathroom he kept repeating : " I was saved from the enema" haha . Thanks for your input @jcrodriguez