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RE: Hijos, Grandes Maestros de Vida ✨ [ESP/ENG]

in Motherhood2 years ago

Children grow up, are formed, acquire knowledge according to the time in which they live and, of course, have a lot to teach their parents. There comes a time when everything changes and they become a guide. For example, many children were the ones who taught their parents and guided them to learn about technology. While we always want to be the teacher, we must understand that at some point we must take our children's advice and learn from them.

 2 years ago  

I totally agree, but the most transcendental thing is when they become teachers and guides of their own parents' behaviors. For example I was a person who let myself be defeated very easily with the adversities of life, until my then 8 year old son told me do like me that even when I'm in football and if it was a bad day I know that tomorrow can be better and never give up, to this day that resonates with me. They too are fruits of their upbringing and when they surpass us as people and as human beings we know the job was well done and the goal achieved. Thank you for your appreciated visit, I value it very much.