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RE: [ESP-ENG] La adicción a las pantallas, mi experiencia

in Motherhoodlast year

One of the negative things about technological advances is that they can cause addiction. Not only in children. Adults are addicted too. I get annoyed by adults who can't take their eyes off their cell phones; I try to use them as little as possible. You have to educate children, teach them everything positive about technology, and that they are very useful tools for learning, having everything just a click away. Also give them moments of distraction, but without going overboard. Use it responsibly. When I was a kid I had a lot of freedom and watched a lot of TV hahaha.


I think the same thing, this equipment creates addiction in children and adults. Thank you for such good advice, that's what I'm going to do. And yes, I give him moments so he can watch but mostly on TV.

Hahaha I used to watch a lot of TV too 🥰. Thanks for supporting friend @jcrodriguez

I was totally admitted to vhs tapes, and i see a fellow addict in you xD I bet you had your time watching a lot of films over and over again just because you could, and learn every little line, detail, memorize it all.