They grow so fast

in Motherhood8 months ago

Hello Friends,

I didn't realize that my baby was growing so fast until when I got back from school hunting.

She will be two years in January and my husband and I think it is time for her to start school. Since my husband and I don't live in the same state, I was shouldered with the responsibility of going to look for a good school for her.

Well I found some schools but wasn't sure if any of them was suitable for her. So I called my husband and he advised me on what to look out for. I followed his advice and found one very close to where we stay.

When I got home, I looked at my daughter and realized that she would be leaving me in no time to start life. I have been so emotional since then.

Been wondering how she will cope in school with strangers. We haven't fully potty trained yet. What will happen when she poops on her nappy? What if she wants to eat and drink water? Will her teacher take care of her like I do?

All these questions have been running through my mind for some days now. I don't think I am fully ready to let her out of my sight. My daughter can be a handful sometimes especially when she starts throwing tantrums. I try so hard to gentle parent which is even one major fear I have. Will her teachers follow my lead to be gentle?

At the same time, I am glad that my daughter is going to school in less than two months time. This is a new stage of her development and I am so happy to have to be there when she takes her first real life step.

I guess me being worried too much is just natural. I mean, look at my little baby of yesterday wanting to go into school now. Was it not just yesterday I pushed her out into this world? How did she grow this fast in a twinkle of an eye? It feels like so much for me to endure right now but I know that life has to go on.

My mom said she was a little bit worried for us all when we were about to start school. So I guess it is normal to feel insecure sometimes when it comes to our children.

I wish her the best as she starts her education soon. I look forward to doing so many things with her like going through her homework, attending PTA meetings, going for inter house sports and so on.

I will ensure I take part in her every step to achieving her great career path.

So help me God. Amen


Awwwn, such a cute baby. It’s alwYs hard to let these children be without us because we always know what they need, and are concerned if others will care for them the way we do.

You’re doing well. Your baby will be alright! Hugs

Yay! 🤗
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The cord that binds mother and child together can hardly break. What makes it hard for you to let her go is just that cord, and it's normal but you have to let go so that the child can fulfil his or her destiny.

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